By Jeff Ballinger. Bay City News.
Palo Alto police have cited a 15-year-old Palo Alto High School student suspected of bringing a pellet gun to campus in December, police said Monday.
Officers responded Friday to a call at 11:28 a.m. from school administrators who said students had alerted them that the girl had posted images on social media of herself holding a firearm.
Students also claimed the girl had brought the gun to campus months ago and let another student hold it while she was in the school bathroom.
An investigation found an image dated December 2022 of the girl holding a gun, which police said they believe could have been a BB gun that fires plastic pellets.
Authorities cited the student on suspicion of possessing a weapon on a school campus and released her to her family.
Police searched the student's home and did not locate the gun, which is now believed to be out of state in the custody of the relative who owned it, according to police.
Palo Alto police praised the students who reported what they had seen online, as well as others who cooperated and helped with the investigation.
Police urge anyone with information about the case to call their 24-hour dispatch center at (650) 329-2413. Anonymous tips can be emailed to paloalto@tipnow.org or sent via text or voicemail to (650) 383-8984.
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