"The United States is a nation of immigrants, made up of brave people from around the world who leave their homes, their lives, and their loved ones to seek refuge and opportunity on our shores," the president said. Joseph Biden in a proclamation declaring this month of June as Migrant Heritage Month.
In the document issued by the White House, the president highlighted that the sacrifices and entrepreneurial spirit of these migrants "have contributed to the rich tapestry that has defined the character of our country for generations."
He recalled that since its founding, the very idea of the United States as a nation of unlimited possibilities has been nurtured and promoted by immigrants.
“During National Immigrant Heritage Month, we honor the contributions of immigrants to our great nation and celebrate their profound impact,” he said.
In that regard, he acknowledged that immigrants fuel the country's economy and work in all professions, including health care, public service, law, education, engineering, construction, personal care, manufacturing, service, agriculture and countless other industries.
Biden noted that it is migrants who create new businesses, both small and large, in addition to generating millions of jobs in the United States.
“They are essential workers, providing critical services during COVID-19 and serving on the front lines of vaccine and treatment research. Immigrants have also helped the United States lead the world in science, technology, and innovation, while contributing to the arts, culture, and government. They bring new traditions, customs, and perspectives that keep American innovation dynamic,” he stressed.
On political matters, he said that his administration is committed to ensuring that the immigration system is accessible and humane.
“I have called on Congress to pass long-overdue legislation to comprehensively reform our immigration system. Through multiple executive orders, I have also directed agencies across the Federal Government to remove barriers that unduly impede access to immigration benefits and to ensure fair and timely adjudication of such benefits,” he said.
He stressed that immigrants are too often faced with discrimination, xenophobia and violence.
“Hate and fear are given too much oxygen by those who claim to love America but don’t understand it. Confronting the dangerous ideology of hate requires caring for all people, including our nation’s immigrants. After all, America’s fundamental promise is that we are all created equal and deserve equal treatment throughout our lives.”
However, he acknowledged that as a nation, that promise has never been fully fulfilled, "but neither have we abandoned it."
"Each generation of immigrants has made our nation stronger and reaffirmed that diversity is - and always has been - our greatest strength. This National Immigrant Heritage Month, we honor our immigrants and recommit to remaining a country worthy of their dreams and aspirations, a nation true to our enduring values, and a democracy that always remains a beacon of hope for the world," he concluded.
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