Pamela Cruz. Peninsula 360 Press.
Today, the general election is taking place across the country, and it's important to know all of the propositions on the California state ballot, which include issues such as health, diversity, rent and tax price controls.
For example, the Proposition 14 allows bonds to be sold to finance the stem cell researcha special type of human cells that are used for medical research to find treatments for various diseases.
In 2004 California voters approved the Proposal 71which allowed the sale of 3 billion dollars in bonds to pay for research, medical studies with this type of cells, and create the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine -(CIRM), for its acronym in English.
If the initiative passes, the state could sell $$5.5 billion in new bonds to continue CIRM operations, fund more research and patient treatments, of which $$1.5 billion is for diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Meanwhile, the Proposition 15 modifies the tax on land used as a shopping center or business.Currently owners pay taxes based on the value of the property at the time it was purchased and go up a small percentage each year.
Under this measure commercial properties worth more than $3 million would pay taxes based on their current value, which would allow local governments to raise between $6.5 billion and $11.5 billion in taxes per year starting in 2025.
In turn, the Proposition 16 would allow colleges, universities and public agencies to take into account race, sex, color, ethnicity and country of origin to create "affirmative action" increase diversity or help certain groups.
The Proposal 17 is intended to enable the people on parole ("on parole") can register and vote in electionsThe law provides that certain persons who are in this situation would be allowed to run for public office.
When someone finishes their sentence for a serious crime, they can spend up to three years on parole as long as they follow certain rules, such as meeting regularly with their parole officer, during which time they are not allowed to vote.
For its part, the Proposal 18 This is an amendment to the California Constitution to allow the California 17-year-olds can vote in primary elections and special if they are 18 years old for the November general election.
Meanwhile, the Proposal 19 would allow people to over 55, as well as people with disabilities and those affected by natural disasters can keep their taxes lower. when moving to a new home anywhere in the state up to three times.
They could also get a tax break if they move to a more expensive house and people who inherited a house could pay lower taxes only if they live in it full time. Taxes would go up for inherited homes worth more than $1 million.
The Proposition 20 would return some criminal laws to the way they used to be.For example, some petty theft offenses may be punishable as felonies or persons convicted of stealing property worth between $250 and $950 may be sent to county jail for up to three years.
The measure would also change the factors that can be considered for early release from prison, as well as limit early release to people convicted of felonies.
With the Proposition 21, cities and counties could pass rent control rules for homes more than 15 years old and limit the amount of rent to be charged when a new tenant moves in.
Also, landlords could raise rents by up to 15 percent over three years for new tenants, plus any increases allowed by local law, which would help control rents, which tend to be higher than in other states.
Meanwhile, with the Proposition 22The ridesharing and delivery drivers would remain as independent contractorsThe companies would have to pay them 20 percent more than the local minimum wage for the time they spend driving.
These companies would have to help pay all health insurance costs for contractors who drive more than 15 hours per week, in addition to paying the medical costs of a driver who is injured on the job.
In turn, the Proposition 23 would require dialysis clinics to have a doctor present during all treatment hours. and every three months they would have to report any dialysis-related infections to the state.
The Proposition 24 on consumer privacy allows people to have more power over their personal data, because when someone buys or uses a product or service, businesses can collect their data, sell it to other companies or use it to improve their services.
Finally, vote "yes" to Proposition 25 would eliminate the bail bond system.The court would then be able to let people charged with less serious crimes out of jail before trial without having to pay this fee.
Judges would then decide whether defendants charged with more serious crimes should get out or stay in jail, either because they were considered a public danger or because they might not return to court.