Angel Garcia, 16, is stressed about the implications of COVID-19 and how it may affect his health and future. Lauren Fitzgerald, a high school student, worries about the reforms she believes are needed in our country's justice system.
With Congresswoman Jackie Speier's new Youth Advisory Board (YAB), young people in the 14th Congressional District will now have the opportunity to weigh in on their concerns.
Congresswoman Jackie Speier is accepting applications for district high school youth to run for the board, which will allow students to meet with each other to discuss issues and brainstorm how they can be addressed.
"I want to listen to the young people in my district and be in touch with their concerns and, as much as possible, create opportunities for them to participate in the legislative process," said Rep. Speier.
Speier has long been an advocate for youth engagement. By attending programs and events and meeting with young people, he has told them that they are the generation that must address issues like climate change and ensure that people have access to the vote.
Through this new program, Speier hopes that more young people will be able to participate in the legislative process and influence the outcome of the many issues that affect us today. She said, "This will be a productive forum to exchange ideas and solutions.
The board will meet once a month, from October through May, for a total of six meetings to which youth in San Mateo County are being encouraged to apply. Applications are available at web site and must be submitted by August 30.
For Fitzgerald, she has important opinions on key issues and would like to share.
"I am very interested in bringing immediate reforms to the criminal justice system. It's time for a system that brings restorative justice to victims. "said Fitzgerald.
Through the YAB, it is hoped that youth like Garcia and Fitzgerald can have their concerns addressed, creating a positive and empowering forum for discussion, action and the pursuit of change among the teens on the Youth Advisory Board and Congresswoman Speier.
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