Misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines continues to increase through social media. Pseudo-doctors have filled millions of people with fear and irresponsible doubts, who have decided not to get immunized and have not allowed their children to get inoculated. This has caused a spike in infections, hospitalizations and deaths.
Recently, for example, social media users have shared and gone viral a video of a man making misleading claims about COVID-19 vaccines during a school board meeting in Oxford, Ohio.
Thus, during the meeting held by the Talawanda Ohio Board of Education on August 16, 2021, a man who claimed to be Dr. Sean Brooks, and who according to him has 48 publications, including 23 books, went on a rant against COVID-19 vaccines, claiming that they kill people.
Given the enormous amount of falsehoods that can be heard in the viral video, P360P took on the task of verifying what the subject claimed during his intervention on COVID-19.
Disproving Brooks
Statement: "My name is Sean Brooks, a doctor from Oxford. I have 48 publications, including 23 books, I have studied health medicine, anatomy and physiology for about 21 years," he says at the beginning of his speech.
Done: There is very little information on the Internet about who this individual really is and there is no proven record of his work in the medical field as a physician.
It is worth mentioning that being a "doctor" does not necessarily have to be in the medical field, since there are a large number of doctorates that can be taken within the institution you mentioned.
Even, on Amazon, you can find several books written by Dr. Sean M. Brooks, all of them about education, none of them in the medical field. Among the titles are "Intentional Deception: The Inside Plan to Communicate and Destroy American K-12 Education," "The Unmasking of American Schools: The Sanctioned Abuse of American Teachers and Students," "The Origins of School Violence," and "American Education in 2020," among others.
StatementDr. Robert Malone, who created the mRNA vaccine, has said that no one should take these "shots" under any circumstances. He created it and he says never do it".
Done: Robert Wallace Malone is an American virologist and immunologist who has been widely criticized during the pandemic for spreading misinformation about COVID-19.
Although Malone studied messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology and discovered that it was possible to transfer liposome-protected mRNA into cultured cells to signal the information needed for protein production, he did not invent the vaccine.
The creation of this vaccine is widely attributed to Hungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko and biologist Derrick Rossi.
StatementLet me explain what is going to happen to people who have been vaccinated: they are going to die in the next six months, or three to five years.
FactCOVID-19: There have been no reports of mass deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S. since vaccinations began in December 2020.
Inclusive, a recent study reports that COVID-19 vaccines prevented the deaths of nearly 140,000 people and three million cases during the first 5 months they were available.
In addition, officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said last July that this stage of the pandemic has seen sudden increases in positive cases and hospitalizations, due to eligible people who have not been vaccinated.
While Dr. Mark Sannes, an infectious disease specialist and senior medical director of the HealthPartners system in Minnesota, which operates nine hospitals and more than 55 clinics, said that less than half of all patients with infectious diseases are at risk of developing the disease. 1.0 percent of those hospitalized for COVID-19 are vaccinated.
StatementThat, Brooks said, is "for three reasons. Number one, you have to drastically reduce your own immune system by 35 percent in the first shot you took, at least 15-percent. Now, if you take any booster shots, you'll die."
Done: Vaccines prevent diseases that can be dangerous or even deadly. They greatly reduce the risk of infection by working with the body's natural defenses to safely build up immunity to disease, say the CDC.
They further detail that mRNA vaccines teach cells how to produce a protein, or even just a part of a protein, that triggers an immune response within the body.
The benefit of mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is that vaccinees get protection without having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.
Statement: "The second reason is antibody-dependent enhancement. So, given that fact, the tricks of antibody-dependent enhancement is that in order to believe that the cell is eating, that the pathogen is eating it, when it's not, it ends up giving rise to what's called a cytokine storm, which causes organ failure."
Fact: There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are safe to use. generate antibody-dependent potentiationsometimes less accurately referred to as immune potentiation or disease potentiation (AED).
According to experts at the Meedan Health Desk, sometimes after developing antibodies to a disease, our immune system can overreact the next time it is exposed to the disease. This is a very rare phenomenon called ADE.
Strategies during the COVID-19 vaccine development process included monitoring and evaluating animal and human trials for ADE, examining real-world COVID-19 infection data, and "specifically targeting a SARS-CoV-2 protein that was less likely to cause ADE in the initial vaccine design.
Statement: "Blood coagulation. In everyone who is vaccinated there is blood clotting. If you don't believe me, there's a way to find out by what's called a D-dimer test. What it does is it detects blood clotting on a microscopic level or by cutting whole blood clots out of people.
Done: Blood clotting has not been verifiably recorded in mRNA vaccine recipients.. The CDC also continues to state that blood clots have not been linked to mRNA vaccines, even after more than 210 million doses have been administered.
It is true that a small number of cases have been reported, however, scientists have considered a possible link between the Astra Zeneca and J&J vaccines, but the risks of suffering from them are negligible.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) in conjunction with the Western States Scientific Safety Review -WSSSR-. said that the J&J -Janssen- vaccine is safe and effective, so they recommended its use.
Statement: "Parents who are really considering vaccinating their children will have them permanently sterilized."
Done: Medical experts from the Washington Department of HealthThe COVID-19 vaccine, they said, teaches your body to produce antibodies to fight the coronavirus. This process focuses on your immune system and there is no evidence that it interferes with reproductive organs.
In turn, pediatrician and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia vaccine expert Paul Offit, who advises the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, told WebMD that "there is no evidence that this pandemic has changed fertility patterns. -Paul Offit told WebMD that "there is no evidence that this pandemic has changed fertility patterns.
Statement: "Eighty percent of women who have been vaccinated have lost their children in the first trimester. You can't have children. They inject themselves with the equivalent of HIV. You can no longer breastfeed, donate blood, donate organs, donate blood plasma or bone marrow."
Done: A review of data conducted by the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACVP)shows that more than 30,000 pregnant women safely received the COVID-19 vaccine.
The preliminary safety study was conducted between December 2020 and January 2021 and compared pregnant and non-pregnant women who received either Pfizer's or Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines.
"We now have some data showing that there was no increased risk to pregnancy. The babies of these mothers are just as healthy as those of mothers who did not get vaccinated," said Melanie Swift, M.D., co-director of the Mayo Clinic's COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution Task Force.
"Pregnant women are more at risk of having a poor outcome when they get COVID-19. Even if they are healthy, pregnancy itself makes them more susceptible to some complications of coronavirus disease. Therefore, pregnant women are more likely to become seriously ill with COVID-19 and more likely to need hospitalization," she added.
He said there is even evidence from small studies showing that the antibodies are passed on to the baby, through the placenta.
Likewise, the CDC published that according to data on the safety of receiving a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine during pregnancy, no safety concerns were found in pregnant people who were vaccinated or in their babies.
Statement: "Vaccines create fighting proteins in themselves, and they were created by splitting RNA in half. You are no longer a human. You are something else and you are susceptible to countless diseases."
Done: The CDC has made it clearThe American Cancer Society, as well as other health institutions around the world, that mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine that protect against infectious diseases. These vaccines teach our cells to produce a protein, or even a portion of a protein, that triggers an immune response within our body. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from infection if the actual virus enters our bodies.
mRNA vaccines No affect our DNA or interact with it in any way. The mRNA never enters the cell nucleus, which is where our DNA (genetic material) is. The cell breaks down and gets rid of the mRNA soon after it has finished using its instructions.
Thus, our immune system recognizes the protein as a foreign body and begins to generate an immune response and produce antibodies, as happens when a natural infection against COVID-19 occurs.
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