The Guatemalan Electoral Observation Mission (MOE-Gt), a group of seven civil society organizations that contributes to the integrity of electoral processes through citizen participation, reported that the opening and operation of voting tables took place mostly in an efficient and peaceful manner.
According to MOE-Gt, 95 percent of the Voting Receiving Boards (JRV) opened on time and 96 percent had all essential electoral materials.
In a preliminary report, it was detailed that, in the first phase of the general elections, in 99 percent of the JRVs the observers were able to carry out their work without obstacles or impediments during the opening of the election day, while 95 percent of the JRVs had a security device.
They also pointed out that the JRVs were made up of more women (59 percent) than men (41 percent). In addition, the presidencies of the JRVs were occupied equally (51 percent women and 49 percent men).
Similarly, they recorded that 9 percent of the JRVs are made up exclusively of women and 2.5 percent of men, while in 99 percent of the JRVs there is the presence of at least one political party representative.
The EOM-GT said that so far, observers have not recorded any major incidents of intimidation, harassment or violence, only isolated cases of obstacles to initiating the observation process.
Among these, he said, were the acts of violence and threats against members of the boards of San José del Golfo, Guatemala, where the members resigned.
In light of this, they said it was imperative that the authorities make an early decision and effectively inform the authorities about the situation in the region.
Additionally, they urged security authorities to safeguard the physical integrity of the boards and citizens, as well as to carry out preventive actions throughout the day to ensure that at the time of vote counting, similar situations do not occur in other previously identified high-risk municipalities.
In addition, they urged the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) and the electoral bodies to promote openness and transparency in the voting centers and to report the scope of the observation, so that all accredited electoral observers can carry out their work throughout the election day and during the closing and counting of votes.
"We will continue to monitor the elections, updating the media and citizens on the findings of our electoral observation network. We will present a report in the afternoon and tomorrow we will make a general assessment of the elections," they said.
Finally, the organization recognized and thanked the commitment and enthusiasm of the citizens who make up the JRV and all the members of its observation team, while calling on the population to go to the voting centers and cast their vote.
For the current election day, the MOE-Gt said it had mobilized observers in 1,200 Voting Receiving Boards (JRV), a random and representative sample with presence in all departments, 277 municipalities of the country -81 percent- and in 5 cities in the United States.
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