Christian Carlos. Peninsula 360 Press [P360P].
The international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world, Global Exchange is calling for participation in a petition calling on U.S. President Joseph Biden to end the "misguided" trade embargo on Cuba.
According to Global Exchange, Cuba has been at the center of global debate following recent protests over "widespread food and medicine shortages"; however, they point out that the U.S. government, led by Joe Biden, "turns a blind eye to the brutal 60-year economic war."
"The U.S. blockade against Cuba is designed precisely to create the shortages Cubans are experiencing and to foment social unrest on the island," Global Exchange declares while pointing out that such an economic strategy is akin to that of former President Donald Trump.
Biden has shown his concern for the crisis situation in Cuba, but this only reaches the level of social networks, so Global Exchange said that "if Biden really cares about the Cuban people, ending the severe shortage of food and medicine should be his top priority.
The crisis situation in Cuba has worsened with the arrival of COVID-19 that also affected the island, which brought protests in early July 2021 over the embargo that sustains the U.S. the Cuban government.
Faced with such a scenario, Global Exchange opened a form to ask U.S. President Joe Biden to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba and end the embargo.
According to Global Exchange data, the Donald Trump administration included more than 200 new sanctions toward Cuba and the new Biden administration has "added some of its own" including travel restrictions to Cuba and inclusion on its list of terrorist countries. "These sanctions are making life more difficult for Cubans, especially now that the coronavirus pandemic threatens the health of Cubans and the Cuban economy," Global Exchange says.
To sign, you can read the full petition here. https://globalexchange.salsalabs.org/endtheblockade/index.html