Guatemala in elections less than 15 hours after they take place, 9 million 361 thousand 068 Guatemalans will be able to go to the polls to elect the representatives of the more than four thousand public offices that are disputed this 2023.
Thus, tomorrow, June 25, the day of the general elections, Guatemalans registered will receive five ballots of different colors to vote for the political organizations that nominate candidates for the more than four thousand elected positions.
The members of the Voting Boards will give citizens five folded ballots, which contain the symbols of the political parties that nominate candidates for the Presidency of the Republic, for deputies to the Congress of the Republic and for the Central American Parliament - Parlacen.
In the case of municipal corporations, you will also find the symbols of the civic committees that presented candidates in the municipalities.
The ballots have colors: white, green, light blue, pink and yellow.
The white ballot is used to vote for president and vice president; the green ballot is used to elect the 32 deputies to the Congress of the Republic who are running on the National List.
In the case of the pink ballot, the 340 municipal corporations are elected. According to Decree 1-2023 of the General Call for Elections 2023, a mayor, three trustees, ten titular councilors, one alternate trustee and four alternate councilors are elected in municipalities with more than one hundred thousand inhabitants.
While the yellow ballot is used to vote for the election of 20 deputies to Parlacen.
The blue ballot is used to elect 128 deputies to the Congress of the Republic for the 23 electoral districts, that is, for each department of the country plus the central district that corresponds to the municipality of Guatemala.
They are divided as follows:
Central District (municipality of Guatemala): 11 deputies; District of Guatemala (remaining municipalities of the department): 19 deputies; Sacatepéquez: 3 deputies; Chimaltenango: 5 deputies; El Progreso: 2 deputies; Escuintla: 6 deputies; Santa Rosa: 3 deputies; Suchitepéquez: 5 deputies; Chiquimula: 3 deputies and Izabal: 3 deputies.
In addition, Retalhuleu: 3 deputies; Sololá: 3 deputies; Totonicapán: 4 deputies; Quetzaltenango: 7 deputies; San Marcos: 9 deputies; Huehuetenango: 10 deputies; Quiché: 8 deputies; Baja Verapaz: 2 deputies; Alta Verapaz: 9 deputies; Petén: 4 deputies; Jalapa: 3 deputies; Jutiapa: 4 deputies; and Zacapa: 2 deputies.
According to the Plenary Session of Magistrates of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal ‒TSE‒, the actions for the general elections of June 25 are ready. He also explained that the Departmental and Municipal Electoral Boards and the Voting Reception Boards were trained, and that 95 percent of their members are participating for the first time to contribute to this event.
He pointed out that these elections guarantee inclusion in every sense, after more than 40 people with disabilities work in the Electoral Process Operations Center and 375 thousand ballots have been produced in Braille, in addition to the fact that preferential attention will be given at the voting centers.
This note was made with the support of the organization Global Exchange in collaboration with Peninsula 360 Press.
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