Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said at a press conference that he was not aware of the visit.

Christian Carlos. Peninsula 360 Press [P360P].
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris announced that "as soon as possible" she will visit Mexico and Guatemala to address "fundamental issues" regarding the migratory phenomenon, since in recent months, the migratory phenomenon has accentuated and is representing a humanitarian crisis at the borders of both the U.S. and Mexico with Guatemala, where thousands of people arrive daily.
However, Kamala Harris clarified that during her tour, a visit to the borders between these countries is not planned, so her visit may be merely for diplomatic purposes to reach agreements on migration issues. In addition to this, there is the crisis caused by the pandemic for COVID-19 that in Mexico, according to data from the Mexican Ministry of Health, there are 210,812 unfortunate deaths caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, while in Guatemala, only 7,089 deaths have been reported.
Because of this, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris preferred not to give a date for the start of her tour of these countries. US President Joseph Biden instructed Kamala Harris to address the substantial increase in the passage of migrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.
"We need to identify the symptoms and what's going on with a team of people at the border led by Ali Mayorkas - U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security - but we also need to eliminate the root causes; otherwise, it's a situation that could perpetuate itself," Harris said, adding that the U.S. government won't solve the problem "overnight."
For Kamala Harris, it is important for people to stay in their places of origin, as long as the conditions exist to do so. The goal, she says, is to generate opportunities that give "hope of staying in their homelands. She also pointed out that the effect of constant migration can have climatic consequences that increase the problems of violence and food security due to a knock-on effect on agricultural production.
Meanwhile, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said, in a press conference, he did not know the date for the visit of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris; however, he offered her welcome to Mexico. In a previous call, Lopez Obrador had invited Kamala Harris to visit the states of Campeche, Tabasco and Chiapas to see the achievements his administration has made with the social programs implemented, such as "Sembrando Vida" (Sowing Life), promoted by the country's Ministry of Economy.
"I talked [with Kamala Harris] about this program, the importance of it because it has a multiplier effect, it provides work in communities where people live, the places where people come from, it provides employment," said Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. He assured that it is a social program that could be replicated in other countries such as Honduras and El Salvador.