By Pamela Cruz. With information from Eduardo Paz and Paola Ricaurte. Peninsula 360 Press [P360P]
Nearly a year and a half after the COVID-19 pandemic spread around the world, misinformation about the virus and the vaccines that have been developed to stop it is growing.
Flooding and spreading through instant messaging apps like Telegram and Whatsapp, groups like "Doctors for Truth" encourage conspiracy theories and influence the most vulnerable, to instill their misconceptions about COVID-19 and vaccines.
According to a P360P investigation by the Doctors for Truth network, carried out with the support of the Silicon Valley Community FoundationThe study, in which journalists and data scientists Eduardo Paz -Mexico- and Paola Ricaurte -Ecuadorian with studies at Harvard- have collaborated, identified five messages that during the month of June 2021 obtained more views and were more disseminated through Telegram.
The first is related to the denunciation of the circulation of materials that disseminate information associated with the group "Doctors aligned with the "plan-demic", using the name and logo of the group Doctors for the truth, where they mention that the battle against the SARS-CoV-2 virus is "a spiritual war".
The second message reports an experiment by Andreas Kalcker, presenting the results of an analysis of three vaccines, without mentioning exactly which ones, in which he apparently obtains magnetite residues, indicating that it can be manipulated by electromagnetic fields.
Andreas Kalcker, who presents himself as a scientist, so far unproven, is one of the main promoters of the consumption of chlorine dioxide to "eliminate" COVID-19 from the human body.
The analyses indicate that the image and videos of "Doctors for the truth" have been promoted by an evangelical network in Mexico.
However, social networks like Facebook and streaming platforms like YouTube have put a stop to this type of misinformation by closing the accounts -considering only the main one- of said group, for violating the rules of both channels.
The third message is associated with a series of images that apparently show a microscopic analysis of a person's blood before and after being vaccinated.
This message reports that the blood has been altered and nanoparticles can be observed. The text asserts that the life expectancy of people who have been vaccinated is two years and denounces the vaccine as genocide and a war on human blood.
The fourth message is a video in which "evidence" is apparently presented against virology, for not being scientific. Thus, based on a false reasoning, it is argued that a pandemic cannot be thought to exist just because multiple people present symptoms simultaneously.
The fifth message alludes to a fake news story about a Lisbon Court ruling that there are fewer coronavirus deaths than officially verified, however, the story on the Trikooba portal appears retracted according to data analysts.
The narratives that have spread through Telegram during the month of June reach as far as Patagonia, as the data verified by the two important analysts reveal that in terms of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the main points that this type of group spreads are:
- In Argentina and in the world they are now admitting that the famous virus was designed in a laboratory".
- "The vaccine is not the end. The virus will mutate and this vaccine will be useless in the middle of 2021".
- Health situation caused by an alleged virus to make people believe that this "preparation" manages to immunize. That it does not immunize is evident".
- "Deaths and hospitalizations from infection by Covid-19, also known as PCCH virus, have tripled in the United States among those fully vaccinated."
On vaccine-related issues, the main narratives are:
- "There is definitely research to be done on this. The peak protein in the COVID vaccine 'travels' from the injection site and can cause organ damage."
- Spanish news: secret nanoparticles in Pfizer's vaccine. Biomagnetism therapies prove it".
- Professor 54 years old, healthy, without pathologies. He was vaccinated on the 28th with the second dose of AstraZeneca. He laughs at the injection. Suddenly dies".
- "Eric Clapton. The famous guitarist tells how the experimental vaccine has affected his immune system".
- "They have already reported several thousand deaths from the vaccine and more than 200,000 serious adverse effects."
COVID-19 disease is also mentioned with reasoning such as:
- Graphene is the magnetic material inoculated in Covid vaccines".
- Nanoparticles in COVID vaccines".
- "Covid. It's not pandemic, it's plandemic."
- "WHO does not recommend that vaccines be given to children."
- I HAVE BEEN VACCINATED AGAINST COVID. 7th June: his sister dies "unexpectedly", he announces that her funeral will be on 18th June".
Disinformation such as this has had the same speed as the virus to spread, and is also capable of producing death, as many are those who believe and encourage such theories, which are far from reality and science.
You may be interested in: Vaccination is the only way to overcome COVID-19 and its variants: experts