Monday, March 10, 2025

Worsening mental health effects of U.S. shootings on children and youth.

mental health of children and youth

The mental health of children and young people has been increasingly affected since the beginning of the pandemic, a situation that has worsened with the dozens of shootings and attempted shootings in US schools, which is why in October 2021 the American Academy of Pediatrics declared mental illness in this population group a national emergency.

In the wake of recent shootings and massacres, experts gathered at a conference organized by Ethnic Media Services to talk about the mental health challenges faced by children and young people, as well as the alternatives and ways to help those who suffer from these problems.

Beth Jarosz, U.S. Program Director and Associate Director of Kids Data, spoke about the significance of the rising suicide rates in the United States, particularly in the state of Florida.

He commented that the suicide rate among young people between 15 and 19 years old in 2020 increased by 60 percent compared to 2007, while the suicide rate for children between 10 and 14 years old is three times higher than it was in the same year.

She also pointed out that high-risk groups include people who belong to indigenous communities, those with adversities in their childhood, the LGBTQ+ community, the homeless or those who have been adopted, and those who have suffered bullying. 

She also noted that 1 in 6 young people have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, behavioral problems and depression. However, only half of these have received treatment or counseling.

Eddy Molin, nursing manager at Jackson Health System based in Miami, Florida, said that in the last two months there has been an increase in hospital admissions of children with anxiety or disruptive behavior, which he believes are related to the shootings that have occurred. 

He also stressed that "social media has a very powerful capacity to determine how people think."

In light of this, he pointed out the importance of observing the behaviour of young people and identifying behaviours such as abandoning normal activities, isolation and hallucinations, among others. These are reasons to act immediately and seek help.

Estephania Plascencia, a student at Florida International University, shared her experience of the mental health problems she faced and pointed out the importance of parents being informed about these problems and how they can help their children if they are in a similar situation. 

Finally, she stressed the importance of people struggling with mental health issues sharing their story to end the stigma surrounding them, as this allows others to recognize that they have them and seek help.

Joshua Ho, director of the Asian-American Program for the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners, shared the mental health issues his son faced, which he began to identify after observing different behavior in him. 

She also commented on the importance of seeking guidance and maintaining good communication with children to know what they are going through.

Susan Racher, director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness in Miami-Dade, commented that one of the main objectives of this organization has been to make communities aware that mental health is a right, since there is a significant lack of information on the subject.

At the end of the meeting, it was mentioned that recovery can be achieved with a support system and understanding that it is not an easy path, that they are not alone.

You may be interested in: California announces more than $500 million to support people with mental illness and substance abuse

Peninsula 360 Press
Peninsula 360 Press
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