Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Parking Alert System Will Make It Easier to Find a Spot in Redwood City

Parking notification system will make it easier to find a spot in Redwood City, Cleverciti promises to reduce search times by up to 45%.

Redwood City Parking System
Pamela Cruz. Peninsula 360 Press [P360P].

After San Mateo County went "Red" following months of closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of establishments are beginning to open their doors, but the next problem to solve in Redwood City will be finding parking.  

Remember how hard it was to find a parking spot when you went out to a movie, restaurant or bookstore in the Bay Area on a Friday or Saturday? Well, that could soon be over thanks to a measure being taken to make that a thing of the past.

After a pandemic year, where business closures were the bread and butter, Redwood City's 245 downtown stores, restaurants, theaters and businesses are eagerly awaiting the return of customers.

According to some media, in recent months, the demand for parking was reduced by 90 percent, however, currently, it is at 50 percent, which shows that, every day, people are slowly returning to enjoy spaces in the city.

Its name is Cleverciti and it came from Germany. Its installation is already underway. It is a network of sensors mounted on light poles that can identify empty spaces; not only the 400 on the street, but also in seven lots and 11 garages, reported ABC7. 

The 360-degree LED signs, mounted 20 feet high, show step-by-step directions to where to find empty spaces and how many are available. 

It should be noted that Redwood City is the first city in the U.S. to have this system, and the system is expected to begin operating this summer. 

The parking alert system will make it easy to find a spot in Redwood City, Cleverciti promises to reduce search times by up to 45,m not bad for those who are looking to spend more time on other activities than on running around trying to find an empty space.

Peninsula 360 Press
Peninsula 360 Presshttps://peninsula360press.com
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