Pamela Cruz. Peninsula 360 Press [P360P].
The Redwood City Police Department called on all Redwood City drivers to give their cell phones a "break" while driving and focus only on the road.
The authority recalled that April is distracted driving awareness month, so the police department will have more traffic officers on hand to specifically target drivers who violate the state law to avoid using cell phones while driving.
"When you're driving, give the phone a rest," said Redwood City Police Chief Dan Mulholland. "The number one focus of drivers should be the road. Anything that distracts you from the task of driving, especially a phone, puts you and others at risk."
And, according to the 2020 California Statewide Public Opinion Survey, more than 75 percent of drivers surveyed said that distracted texting while driving is their biggest safety concern.
"Driving without distractions is a simple, but significant behavior change," noted Chief Mulholland. "The goal is to increase compliance with the cell phone hands-free law and keep people safe."
Under current law, drivers cannot hold a phone or other electronic device while behind the wheel, while those under the age of 18 cannot use a phone for any reason, including hands-free headsets.
The police department recommended that if you need to make a call or send a text message, you should stop and park in a safe place, "drivers should silence their phones or leave the phone out of reach, such as the glove compartment or trunk".