-For Chillis.
Cats absorb the electric and electromechanical fields around them. They are a filter to purify the environment. They are able to heal their owners, when caressing them they discharge people of negative energies.
Robert Diaz. Peninsula 360 Press.
Worshipped since antiquity, the word "cat" means "the one who looks". The Egyptians worshipped them as if they were gods - the penalty for killing a cat was death - they placed statues of them at the entrances to their temples because they believed that they drove away spirits and, if a cat died, they mummified it and buried it with mummified mice for the duration of its journey to the afterlife. Bastet was the Egyptian goddess who had the head of a cat and her cult meant the protection of the home and the paternal sense for the children.

The characteristics of their eyes make them have a 280-degree view and they have a much greater margin to be able to focus on objects. They do not see well up close, but very well at a distance. The more light, cats focus with more difficulty, however their habitat is the night, when there is light their pupils are round, when there is light, they are vertical. Cats hear better than dogs, 48 HZ at 85 kHz gives felines one of the widest hearing ranges among mammals.
They have 200 million cells sensitive to smell that are in their noses, to get an idea of their sensitivity we should say that humans only have 5 million olfactory cells. Their whiskers give them balance, they combine with the whiskers on their legs and help them to measure the distances around them. They trust blindly in their sense of smell, since they only have 470 taste buds, compared to the 9 thousand of humans is really little.
They just can't see the red tones: it is believed that their origin comes from Africa, but there are investigations that point to the Middle East, however it is known that it was the Greeks who introduced them as pets and other specialists have pointed out that it was actually the Phoenician traders who domesticated them.
It was in the Middle Ages where the church played a negative role for the tender felines, since it related them to evil spirits, sorcery, allied with the devil and witches. And it was because of this superstitious turn of events that they began to be persecuted and killed. Well known is that dark passage of the history of France, in which in the year 1730 a great slaughter of cats was carried out, due to the lies that had been told about them.
It is believed that cats can predict deaths because they are faced with minor spirits that harass their owners, they can see the wave fluctuations floating in the environment. Cats absorb the electrical and electromechanical fields around them. They are a filter to purify the environment. They are able to heal their owners, when caressing them they discharge people of negative energies, they have therapeutic abilities with human beings that is why it is beneficial to sleep next to them because by absorbing the negative energy, they clean our aura, our energy field.
According to the University of Veterinary Medicine of Missouri, cats reduce stress, increase the production of serotonin -substance in our brain responsible for the regulation of sleep, sexuality and attention- and endorphins -chemical substances that cause the feeling of happiness- reduces the risk of heart attacks, balance the heart rate, improve blood pressure levels with an effectiveness far superior to drugs. It has also been proven that the presence of cats in the environments of people suffering from some disease such as Alzheimer's is beneficial to their health. Its purring serves to mitigate different ailments, especially those that have to do with the bones, in the healing of wounds and joint pain, it has been found that patients with chronic lung disease, improved considerably if they had a cat nearby.
Conspiracy theorists believe that cats were brought by advanced races because before the Egyptians there is no record in any other civilization of their existence. It is also said that felines come from the constellation Orion and that their purring is a form of super advanced communication with their home worlds and that the truth is that they are so mysterious because they are spying on us.