Christian Carlos. Peninsula 360 Press.
A tough Friday the 13th for current U.S. President Donald Trump, who held an eventful press conference to preview his administration's approach to the HIV/AIDS-19 pandemic.
At the moment, The New York Times reports an unfortunate record of 162,402 new cases today alone; in the national territory, SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19, has claimed the lives of 243,376 people.
With a whiter shade of hair than usual, the current U.S. president came out in front of the cameras after the result whose trends favored the now president-elect Joe Bidenwho was a Democratic challenger.
In his speech, he reiterated, as on previous occasions, that confinement is not an option contemplated in his own administration, nor are they contemplating shutting down the economy because of the crisis being generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
His mid-term statement caused a stir when he said that "who knows what administration it will be," not knowing, first of all, the incoming administration, but implying that it will be a different one, and that the omission of confinement and the closure of commercial activities will be limited as long as Trump is in charge. "Only time will tell," he said.
Para intentar salvar su discurso, Trump hizo referencia a los resultados que ha obtenido la farmacéutica Pfizer, quien anunciara a principios de semana, que su vacuna contra el nuevo coronavirus tendría hasta un 90 por ciento de efectividad. Nuevamente, en un tono racista, se refirió a la cepa del nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 como «el virus chino».
Still, he promised that the vaccine would arrive in the coming weeks to serve health care workers in direct contact with COVID-19 patients, with the exception of New York State, where he singled out New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo "for not trusting the source of the vaccine."
Trump made no mention of the outcome of the Nov. 3 general election, in where Joe Biden would win as president-elect. for the next administration. At the end of his speech, Trump turned his back to the media, who tried to ask him questions about his position on the results of the presidential election.
Among the reporters, the voice of Brian J. Karem stood out, who addressed the current president: "You lost the election. When will you admit you lost the election?". Karem ran out of Trump's response.