Teachers from across San Mateo County gathered to prepare for impending sweeping changes in state and federal policies and priorities.
Uncertainty surrounds the future of funding and eligibility for healthcare, immigration policy, infrastructure investment, and more.
"They have a real impact on the people of our county and in many cases, the most vulnerable. That's why we're here today to listen to them," County Executive Mike Callagy said as he opened the daylong conference at the San Mateo County Events Center on Thursday.
"We want to listen," Callagy told about 150 representatives from local cities, nonprofits and other groups. "We want to understand what their concerns might be or how policies might affect them."
Participants said they were concerned that changes to eligibility requirements for a number of federally funded programs could create a chilling effect, preventing families from applying for or receiving certain benefits.
Are they afraid that their information will be shared and that they will be put on someone's radar?