Sunday, January 26, 2025

Jorge Teillier: an anthology of his poems to delve into the world of poetry

Jorge Teillier: an anthology of his poems to delve into the world of poetry
Camilasbooks takes us into the world of poetry with one of its favorite authors, Jorge Teillier, a Chilean poet from the so-called "literary generation of 1950", creator and exponent of poetry that has undoubtedly become a fundamental part of the review in this genre of literature.

See new faces
See new d s
Be forgotten
I will have memories
Watch the sun rise when the sun rises
Watch the rain fall when it rains
I walk around without any business
From side to side
Boring half the world
Telling the same story
I sit down to write a letter
I'm not interested in sending
Or look at the children
In the playgrounds.

Always arrive at the same bridge
To look at the same r
Go see silly movies
Open your arms to embrace the void
Drink wine if I am offered wine
Drink water if they offer me water
And he deceived me by saying:
“New faces will come
New days will come.”

?Jorge Teillier, ?Blue?

This Saturday, Camilasbooks He took us into the world of poetry with one of his favorite authors, Jorge Teillier, a Chilean poet from the so-called "literary generation of 1950", creator and exponent of poetry that has undoubtedly become a fundamental part of the review in this genre of literature.

"Today I am going to recommend a particular book that has been quite important to me in this whole path of knowledge and discovery of what has to do with poetry, I am talking about Jorge Teillier," Camilasbooks emphasized.

The recommended book is "Antolog Po ica" by Jorge Teillier, which provides an introduction to this Chilean writer and poet, one of the most influential of the century.

"One of the characteristics that I liked the most about Jorge is this longing, this nostalgic look that he has towards the past, but also towards the future and always writing from the everyday."

And Camilasbooks emphasized that Teillier was a provincial man, a fact that is evident in his writings.