Friday, January 31, 2025

Call for the implementation of an Action Plan for Women and Children in San Mateo County

Action Plan for Women and Children
Action Plan for Women and Girls In San Mateo County, supervisors directed the County Executive to implement a plan with the goal of creating an equitable community where these sectors of the population can thrive.

Listen to this note:


San Mateo County Supervisors have directed the County Executive to create a staff position and implement the Women and Children Action Plan, which aims to create an equitable community where these populations can thrive.

The plan addresses gender inequalities through four key policy areas: reducing the wealth gap, increasing access to quality child care, preventing domestic violence, and expanding reproductive health and care freedom.

?I want to state that these issues are not limited to women. They affect men and people of all genders. By addressing the barriers to equity that women themselves have identified, we can improve the lives of all of our residents. For example, we know that every day spent on early childhood education produces almost two days in immediate economic benefits directly in our community,? said Supervisor Noelia Corzo.

The official said that this staff position and the action plan will boost economic prosperity for the entire county.