Monday, March 10, 2025

Another attack on the press in Mexico leaves one dead

Roberto Toledo
Photo: Magdalena Alonso/Al Aire Zitácuaro Newscast.

By Heriberto Paredes and Rodrigo Caballero
Special for Peninsula 360 Press

Zitacuaro, Michoacan. On the afternoon of January 31, 2022, Roberto Toledo was murdered, identified as a contributor to the news portal Michoacan MonitorThe events occurred in the Moctezuma Oriente neighborhood, in the office of the lawyer, Joel Vera, where Toledo was located, who also worked as a technician for these offices, where a group of armed men arrived and opened fire.

As a result of the injuries caused by gunshot wounds, the 55-year-old man died in a hospital in the city of Zitácuaro, in a municipality of the same name located in the east of the state of Michoacán on the border with the State of Mexico.

The version transmitted by Armando Linares, director of the news portal, is that both he and the lawyer were about to have a meeting in said offices, however, before it took place, someone rang the doorbell asking for Joel Vera; Roberto Toledo, upon opening the door, received the shots that ultimately took his life.

According to the report given by Monitor Michoacán, there were three armed men who, before leaving, left two rolled-up cards lying around, on which there were written threats against the lawyer. From this it can be deduced that the attack was not directed against Roberto Toledo.

Previous threats

On January 28, just 3 days before the attack, Armando Linares shared a video in social networks where he indicated that he had already filed a complaint with the federal government, after being the object of some serious defamation, also on social networks.

It should be noted that during 2021 Linares carried out several journalistic investigations that point to illicit activities, corruption and mismanagement of public funds by two sinister figures in Michoacan politics, Carlos Herrera Telloformer secretary of government of Silvano Aureoles and former PRD candidate for state governor during the recent elections, and, on the other hand, Francisco Herrera Franco, former regional prosecutor of Zitácuaro.

On Monitor Michoacán it is possible to consult the latest notes written on the subject, which date back to November 2021. These reports are, so far, possible lines of investigation that can help clarify the origin of the threats and achieve justice for the murder of Roberto Toledo, who became the target of the armed subjects upon opening the door.

With the death of Roberto Toledo, there are now 4 communication workers murdered in just the first month of 2022. For his part, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, does not stop repeating the same empty speech of his predecessors in the Executive: the necessary investigations will be carried out and will be taken to the last consequences. For its part, the Attorney General's Office of the State of Michoacán (FGE) announced through a press release that an investigation file was opened for these events.

Heriberto Paredes
Twiter: @BSaurio
Instagram: @el_beto_paredes

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