Christian Carlos. Peninsula 360 Press [P360].
Minnesota native Kim Potter shot Daunte Wright, a person of African descent, on Sunday, escalating the issue of police violence and brutality once again.
Kim Potter was arrested Tuesday morning. Potter worked for 26 years in the downtown Brooklyn Police Department, near Minneapolis, at about 11:30 a.m., according to sources with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety's Criminal Apprehension Bureau.
Potter is expected to be transported to a Hennepin County Jail, and will be booked for possible felony second degree murder as a result of the shooting that took the life of Daunte Wright inside her vehicle.
Daunte Wright was a 20-year-old who resisted arrest after being pulled over for failure to comply with traffic laws. On the other hand, Kim Potter alleges that he used the wrong weapon because, instead of using his Taser solely to control the arrestee, he cocked his firearm and fired at Daunte Wright.
Daunte Wright's family rejects Potter's version. Wright's relatives claim that this was not an accident and that Potter's action was completely deliberate.
Until last Tuesday night, there were protests with hundreds of demonstrations that gathered in front of the police headquarters in downtown Brooklyn where riot police and elements of the U.S. National Guard guard the area in case of disturbances. It should be noted that, previously, a curfew was imposed from 10 p.m., as the protests were considered illegal, which caused large riots and clashes.
The protesters set off fireworks; however, security forces responded with gas grenades to push the demonstrators back.