By Pamela Cruz and Constanza Mazzotti
The countdown has begun for the June 7 primary election, where voters will be able to cast their votes on candidates for U.S. Senate, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, comptroller and treasurer, so it's important to know all the candidates in San Mateo County.
As well as Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, State Board of Equalization member, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, U.S. Representative to Congress, State Senator, State Assemblyman, and other local candidates.
The latter are no less important, so here is a list of candidates in San Mateo County.
Superintendent of Schools for San Mateo County
In this case, the only contender for the post is Nancy Magee, a gay woman originally from San Mateo County who lives in Half Moon Bay and has 38 years of experience in education.
Magee earned the position of San Mateo County school superintendent in 2018, so he is going for his second term.
In the next term, Nancy wants to focus resources on deeper supports for students with disabilities and those identified as English learners; hire a diverse educational workforce at all levels of service to better reflect the diversity of San Mateo County students; and provide leadership in achieving social, racial, and environmental justice for area schools and communities.
In turn, according to her platform, she seeks to strengthen digital infrastructure, educator training, and the curriculum to ensure that students have access to digital learning tools and accelerated and independent learning opportunities. To learn more about Nancy Magee and her proposals, you can visit the website www.vote4nancy2022.org/.
Member for the Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors is the five-member elected body that oversees the operation of San Mateo County, with board members representing one of five population districts within the county. For the 2nd District seat being vacated by Carole Groom, the candidates are:
Noelia Corzo
San Mateo-Foster City School District Trustee; Belmont Councilman Charles Stone; and Cameron Rolfe, a commercial pilot and flight instructor. Noelia Corzo points out that her priorities are pandemic recovery, public and mental health, affordable housing, climate justice, community engagement, universal Pre-K, public education and child care, as well as transportation. To learn more about her campaign, those interested can visit the website www.noelia4smc.org/.
Charles Stone
She notes that the biggest threat facing the region, including District 2, is devastating climate change: the increased risk of wildfires, drought and pollution in the bay, so sustainability is among her priorities. To learn more about this and her other proposals, voters can visit her website. www.stoneforsupervisor.org.
Cameron Rolfe
He does not have a website that voters can visit to learn about his political platform, however, he has made clear, in interviews with the media, his position on various issues such as health, housing budget and climate change, pointing out that to make progress on them, multi-jurisdictional collaboration is necessary.
For the seat in the Third District of the Board of Supervisors
Laura Parmer-Lohan
Whose priorities focus on dealing with wildfires and any emergency, addressing climate change, affordable communities for all, and services for homeless people and families, her website where you can learn more about her and her platform on www.lauraforsupervisor.com.
Virginia Chang Kiraly
She says she will seek to revive the economy, keep communities safe, protect homes from fire and drought, and hold leaders accountable, learn more about her on her site www.virginiachangkiraly.com.
Ray Mueller
He highlights his support for farm workers and the agricultural industry, among other issues, so to find out more about his campaign he makes his platform available to the public at www.raymuellerforsupervisor.com.
Steven Booker
He talks about defending workers' rights, as well as investing in affordable housing for veterans, working families, and essential workers, as well as addressing traffic congestion in a post-pandemic world with long-term solutions, all of which you can read and find more on his site. www.bookerforsupervisor.org.
Assessor – County Clerk – Recorder
The local position is being sought:
David Pollack ‒ www.david4assessor.com ‒; John K. Mooney; and Mark Church ‒ www.markchurch.com‒.
County Comptroller
The only candidate for the position is Juan Raigoza, who took over as County Comptroller in January 2015. He is seeking to remain in office.
As with other positions, Robert Jon Foucrault, the only candidate, is seeking to remain in office in order to provide independent and prompt investigations to determine the cause and manner of death of those deceased under the jurisdiction of the San Mateo County Coroner.
District Attorney and Treasurer-Tax Collector
The ballot only has Stephen Wagstaffe running for San Mateo County District Attorney, while Sandie Arnott is the only one to win the Treasurer and Tax Collector position again.
San Mateo County Sheriff
The position of head of the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office is being contested by two people, the current Sheriff, Carlos Bolaños, and the current Millbrae Police Chief, Christina Corpus, both with extensive experience in law and security matters, so the race is close.
To learn more about them and their proposals, they make available the sites www.bolanosforsheriff.com ‒Carlos Bolanos‒, www.christinacorpus.com ‒Christina Corpus‒, where voters will be able to delve into their stories and experiences, as well as actions taken and proposals to improve security in San Mateo County.
You may be interested in: Countdown to SM County Primary Elections begins, find out how, when and where