Monday, March 3, 2025

CNE calls not to declare winners of the elections in Honduras after website crash

fall CNE web page
Photo by: Manuel Ortiz

To Pamela Cruz. Peninsula 360 Press [P360P]
According to the first indications of the investigation to determine the causes of the crash of the website of the National Electoral Council of Honduras (CNE) for the consultation of the census, the reports have indicated an attack on the server, located in the facilities of the council itself.

In response to this, the CNE called on candidates at all levels and the media to refrain from publicizing statements by parties and candidates that, in violation of the Electoral Law, announce results or declare themselves winners. 

According to article 241 on the disclosure of exit poll results, "it is strictly forbidden to directly or indirectly disseminate, publish or comment on the full or partial results of polls, opinion surveys or exit polls on election day."

According to the Electoral Law, these "may only be published up to three hours after the total closure of voting at the national level, decreed by the National Electoral Council," and those who contravene this will be sanctioned with a fine of two hundred to one thousand minimum wages.

The law specifies that the same fine will be imposed on any media outlet that publishes the results of the exit poll before three hours of closing time for voting nationwide.

"If non-compliance with the provisions established in this Article is carried out by natural or legal persons who have not previously registered with the CNE, they will be subject to double the fine established in this Article, without prejudice to the closure of the media outlet that published the survey," the article states.

On the other hand, the CNE ordered the technical operators, both owners and substitutes, to remain at the voting centers awaiting the arrival of the technological kits, since they are in the process of being delivered, especially in the department of Francisco Morazán, which was the last to be covered.

He also called on the delegate members of the Voting Boards not to allow cell phones and electronic devices into the voting booths, which must be kept until the voter casts his or her vote.

He also informed citizens that voter registration using fingerprint readers reflects an influx of 1,844,439 voters, equivalent to 36 percent of the citizens eligible for the Census.

Given the massive turnout of voters, he asked the Voting Boards, in accordance with Article 265 of the Electoral Law, to extend the election day until the last citizen in line can exercise his right to vote.

"We call on the Honduran Armed Forces and the National Police to ensure that voting centers remain open until the last citizen exercises his or her right, as mandated by the Constitution and the Electoral Law," they stressed.

You may be interested in: General elections underway in Honduras

Pamela Cruz
Pamela Cruz
Editor-in-Chief of Peninsula 360 Press. A communications expert by profession, but a journalist and writer by conviction, with more than 10 years of experience in the media. Specialized in medical and scientific journalism by Harvard and winner of the International Visitors Leadership Program scholarship from the U.S. government.


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