Pamela Cruz. Peninsula 360 Press [P360P].
Thirty-one years after the World Health Organization declassified "homosexuality" as a mental disorder, U.S. President Joseph Biden noted that LGBTTTIQ+ Americans still lack basic protections in 25 U.S. states and continue to face discrimination in housing, education and public services.
In that sense, during a statement issued today, May 17, by the White House, as part of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, the U.S. president said that his administration will always support the LGBTTTIQ+ community, so it will continue to implement executive orders to promote equality and equity.
He said he will continue to urge Congress to pass the Equality Act, which would uphold fundamental civil rights protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity for all Americans.
Biden said discriminatory policies targeting LGBTTTIQ+ Americans have been reversed, and historic appointments of LGBTTTIQ+ Americans to the highest levels of government have been made.
She noted that an epidemic of violence still continues against the community, with a particular impact on the transgender community, specifically transgender women and girls of color.
He said courageous activists in the U.S. and around the world have stood up for progress and won.
However, he pointed out that despite this progress, both COVID-19 and growing authoritarianism around the world continue to widen economic, social and security gaps for LGBTTTIQ+ people, as some 70 countries still criminalize same-sex relationships.
In this regard, he stressed that in the American union, marriage equality and greater protection against hate crimes are the law of the land, while abroad, governments, civil society and international organizations such as the United Nations finally recognize that LGBTTTIQ+ people deserve the utmost dignity and equality.
"All people are entitled to dignity and equality, no matter who they are, who they love, or how they identify, and we will continue to engage with allies and partners to advance the human rights of LGBTTTIQ+ people here at home and in every corner of the world," Biden said.