Pamela Cruz. Peninsula 360 Press [P360].
U.S. President Joseph Biden is betting on the planet and its sustainability. During the opening of the Climate Summit that takes place virtually, the president announced an ambitious plan that seeks to reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions by up to 52 percent by 2030.
At the summit, which includes 40 world leaders, Biden pledged that the United States would reduce its emissions by 50 to 52 percent below 2005 levels by the end of the decade.
However, it is still unclear how the goal will be achieved, since the U.S. is the second country that generates more greenhouse gases in the world, only behind China.
In his opening speech at the summit, which will end Friday, Biden explained the vision he has for the United States, with a direction towards a green economy, where climate change will be a key issue in all sectors, and even the generation of jobs for the working class will be in renewable sectors.
"That's where we're headed as a nation, and that's what we can do if we take steps to build an economy that is not only more prosperous, but also healthier, fairer and cleaner for the entire planet," Biden said.
He added that the goal for 2050 is for the United States to have zero net greenhouse gas emissions. The most ambitious goal that has ever been given in environmental matters.
"These steps will bring the U.S. economy to net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest," the U.S. president said.
Undoubtedly, the measures and actions are part of Biden's commitment since his election campaign, where he said he wanted to work with other countries to find joint solutions to global problems.
To commit the country to achieving those figures, the president said they were arrived at after lengthy consultations with government agencies, scientists, industry representatives, governors, mayors and environmental researchers.
In the past, during Barack Obama's administration, the then president pledged to reduce emissions between 26 and 28 percent by 2025, so the figure of 50 to 52 percent is a very significant advance, an action that other countries see with good eyes, while for others, it will be a high bar to reach.
Undoubtedly, the declaration will encourage other countries to join such ambitious plans, as several industries are already betting and moving towards new products with the "label" of sustainability ahead.
In his Earth Day speech, Biden said no nation can solve the climate change crisis alone and that major economies in particular must step up to the plate.