The American Red Cross has reported a nationwide shortage of blood and platelets after donations dropped due to the pandemic, but now more than ever there is a need to lend a hand to those in need by giving a little life.
According to the organization, any type of blood is required, as in recent weeks has been substantially reduced "stock" of some types, so do not let more time pass and extend the arm once again.
"The blood supply has taken a terrifying drop and is at the lowest post-summer level in at least 6 years. Your help is urgently needed to help overcome this emergency," the Red Cross highlights on its social networks.
These blood and platelet donations will help many people currently battling cancer and other serious conditions.
"For many cancer patients facing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, platelets, a blood clotting component, can help give them the strength they need to fight another day," the organization notes.
It is worth noting that, every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood and that need can only be met by generous volunteer donors.
The requirements for whole blood and platelet donation are to be healthy and well, at least 16 years old in most states, and weigh at least 110 pounds.
To know the requirements for other types of plasma, you can consult the following link click here.
It should be noted that donors are required to schedule an appointment before arriving at the campaign. Appointments can be made through the application for American Red Cross blood donorsYou can also call 1-800-RED CROSS online or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS.