Pamela Cruz. Peninsula 360 Press [P360].
Throughout more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, you're bound to know someone who refuses to comply with the health and biosecurity standards recommended to prevent the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Royal Spanish Academy -RAE-The term is now accepted to refer to such people.
The world feels the effects that have left millions of infected and dead, and we have all learned terms that, until before the pandemic, we did not know, in addition, people had to create a language around them, so the RAE was not left behind.
With this, the Royal Spanish Academy, one of the most important institutions and linguistic references in the world of the Spanish language, incorporated 715 terms to its dictionary, thus adding 6,325 words, among which those related to COVID-19 stand out.
Among the terms that attract the most attention are:
covidiotan. n. a. n. A person who refuses to comply with the sanitary regulations issued to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The term was coined in the USA for those who do not respect the rules of confinement and physical distance and put others at risk, while the etymology of the adjective is a structural calque of the English "covidiot" -COVID and Idiot-, which according to the RAE is a voice attested in that language since 2020 in the press, and already consigned in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary -2020-.
Derived from the new word, the RAE also added "covidiotez" and "covidiotismo".
covidic: 1. adj. [Person] Who has covid. 2. adj. Pertaining or relating to covid. 3. n. n. and f. A person who has covid.
covidcide: n. n. Extermination of a multitude of people caused by the covid pandemic.
coronabebénoun describing babies born during the coronavirus pandemic.
coronabodarefers to a wedding held during the coronavirus pandemic.
cohabitation: n. m. Divorce following confinement due to the coronavirus pandemic.
precovidCovid: adjective meaning preceding the Covid or Covid pandemic. It has several synonyms such as precoronavirus, precoronavirus and precovid.
covidiomanoun referring to the vocabulary created or activated in use during the Covid pandemic. It has some synonyms such as coronalanguage or coronalanguage.
covidictionary: is the compilation of words created or activated in use during the Covid pandemic.
covidianity: n. n. Daily life adapted to the norms and protocols derived from the covid pandemic.