Christian Carlos. Peninsula 360 Press.
This week, in the company of our presenters, Connie Guerrero and Rudy EspinozaPeninsula 360 Press brings you another installment of We Vote, an online television show that aims to showcase the San Francisco Peninsula and Bay Area community, local community members, election experts, but most importantly those people, elected through the ballot, who are charged with representing the will of the people, the backbone of our society.
On this occasion, Alicia Aguirre, member of Redwood City Council District 7. She is a professor and PhD in Social Anthropology; she was also the first Latina mayor in the history of the city, this is her last term in office after 30 years of dedicated service to her community.
During the program, Connie Guerrero and Rudy Espinoza, addressed current issues such as the electoral process for the renewal of Council members, as well as the challenges that Alicia Aguirre had to face during her campaign, mainly because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, it is important to inform the community about the actions she will take during her last term during the next four years. Alicia Aguirre, talks to us in depth about the three axes that, she says, are key to maintaining the welfare of the community: housing, transportation and attention to our youth, sheltered under a vision of equity.
The COVID-19 pandemic, he says, is an urgent health emergency in Redwood City, as this past week, it has been upgraded to a purple alert - the Public Health Department's highest alert. Aguirre noted the importance of supporting the community in maintaining their businesses, their right to housing and food for vulnerable groups.
We invite you to follow the next editions of We Vote every week. Follow us on our social networks: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and don't miss the live broadcasts offered by Peninsula 360 Press.