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Weekly roundup of local news for Saturday, November 5-11, 2022

local news from 5 to 11 november

Just this week the California State General Election was held, and with it thousands of registered voters in California County. Saint Matthew They were able to decide on various issues that will have an impact in their communities in the near future, in addition to choosing who will take certain local positions. It should be noted that there are still votes to be counted, and in what said action advances. These are the local news from November 5 to 11 that you need to know to stay up to date.

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San Mateo County residents do not have to pay registration fees for the upcoming spring semester at any of the universities within the San Mateo County Community College District ?SMCCCD, for its acronym in English,? the district announced this week.

California Senate Bill 893, passed by the state Legislature and signed by Governor Gavin Newsom this year, authorizes the district to use unrestricted general funds to waive registration fees for the upcoming spring semester. 

SMCCCD schools are Canada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College.

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Given the little progress in health matters, East Palo Alto ?EPA? petitioned the San Mateo Local Agencies Formation Commission ?SMLAFCo? than the city's Sanitation District ?EPASD, for its acronym in English? be subsidized by the local government.

This was announced by the mayor of East Palo Alto, Rubén Abrica, who through a letter addressed to the community and taxpayers specified that since 2019, the East Palo Alto City Council and other interested parties have tried to collaborate with EPASD to develop solutions that facilitate the advancement of development projects such as affordable housing, advance city goals, and ensure that accurate information is available when the city considers future development.

The mayor noted that EPASD's request as a subsidiary district is due to the fact that, according to state law, when development is planned in the city, developers must pay their fair share of fees to cover the connection of the new building to the system. sanitary.

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A pair of home burglaries in San Mateo County could be linked after two homes in the city of San Carlos were burglarized Sunday night within an hour of each other, so investigators with the County Sheriff's Department of San Mateo believe that the same trio is responsible for both.

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Tireless woman, passionate about art, culture and education, and always committed to her community, Verónica Escámez Martínez received the 2022 Ohtli Award given by the Mexican government through the Institute for Mexicans Abroad ?IME? and the Consulate General of Mexico in San Francisco.

And it is that Verónica, Mexican by birth and who has lived in the Bay Area for more than thirty years, has become a benchmark not only for migrants of Hispanic origin, but in general for the entire community of Redwood City, California. Especially since May 17, 2009, when he founded the community, cultural, educational and sports center Casa Círculo Cultural.

The recognition given to Verónica Escámez consisted of a diploma, a silver rosette and a medal.

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A series of November weather systems is bringing rain and snow to much of Northern California, serving as a reminder of the importance of safety in the face of winter storms, warned Pacific Gas and Electric Company ?PG&E?.

The utility noted that in addition to the rain and snow that fell early last week in Northern California, additional storm systems intermittently passing through the Bay Area are expected to continue through at least Wednesday the 9th. of November.

To this, he added that the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration anticipates colder and more humid conditions than normal until November 15.

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The San Mateo County Probation Department seeks qualified providers of programs and services for youth in custody at the Youth Services Center-Juvenile Ward and/or Camp Kemp, as well as those who have been released back into their communities. .

Applicants may submit proposals for individual and group counseling services, substance abuse counseling, prosocial skills, health and physical education, academic tutoring, and vocational and job training programs.

As well as those for art and music programs, emotion regulation and coping skills, gang prevention and intervention services, services for survivors of sexual assault, and family therapy and reentry services.

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The City of Redwood City is updating its Consolidated Plan to address housing and community development needs, so the Housing and Human Affairs Committee ?HHCC, for its acronym in English? will hold a local needs assessment workshop and a public hearing at a special meeting this coming November 16.

To supplement community meetings and stakeholder outreach, Redwood City, along with the cities of San Mateo, South San Francisco, Daly City, and San Mateo County, have developed a Housing and Community Needs Survey.

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Preliminary results have shown that more than 60 percent of the ballots computed have given a yes to Measure L in East Palo Alto, after this Tuesday, November 8 at 8:00 p.m., the Vote Centers in San Mateo County closed and the counting of votes began.

According to the update of the San Mateo County Clerk-Recorder's Office, regarding the voting up to this November 10, 69.14 percent of the ballots computed were for a Yes to Measure L, which means 1,156 votes in favor, while 30.89 percent were for No, 516 votes.

Measure L in East Palo Alto asked city residents for a yes or no vote to support increasing East Palo Alto's business tax to 2.5 percent of gross receipts on all residential rental units.

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Three measures were put to a vote in Redwood City this Tuesday, November 8, in the general elections held by the state of California, two of them in favor of Yes and one that was not to the liking of the electorate.

According to the update of the San Mateo County Clerk-Recorder's Office, as of November 10, measure Z obtained a resounding yes with 9,272 votes in favor, which meant 84.60 percent.

Regarding measure P, 63.33 percent voted No, which meant 7,047 votes, while those who support the measure barely reached 4,081, 36.67 percent. 

In school matters, Redwood City voted in favor of Measure S, a proposal that seeks to improve local elementary and secondary schools by repairing and improving science, technology, engineering, arts, and math classrooms/labs; make security/protection enhancements; improve inadequate heating, cooling and electrical systems; as well as construction and acquisition of sites/facilities. So far, the measure achieved a yes with 56.67 percent of the votes? 7 thousand 876 votes?.

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