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Monday, July 8, 2024

Journalists put their lives at risk due to persecution in Guatemala ahead of elections

Facing the presidential elections, the lives of journalists are at risk due to persecution in Guatemala against them due to criticism of the current government, or of one or several of the candidates that the famous "Casa Crema" could occupy for the next six years. leaving communicators defenseless due to a visible lack of rule of law.

This was stated by the photojournalist Manuel Ortiz during his participation in the radio program Hecho en California, where he pointed out that the harassment and persecution of communicators, photographers and reporters, even those who do not have the financial resources to protect themselves, goes beyond just attempting against their lives, since their families are also exposed.

From Guatemala, Manuel Ortiz, who is touring the country to talk with different journalists who are putting their lives at risk to continue reporting, recalled the case ofehe president and founder of the newspaper El Periódico, the journalist José Rubén Zamora, who is accused of money laundering, influence peddling and blackmail, and for whom the Special Prosecutor's Office against Impunity in Guatemala has requested 40 years in prison. 

Zamora is currently in pretrial detention after being arrested on July 29, 2022. He is joined by many other journalists who are also slandered, persecuted, and intimidated.

June 25 will be when the first round of the electoral contest is held in Guatemala, and if necessary, the second round would take place on August 20.

Ortiz explained that there are 30 candidates in the race, however those that are allowed in real terms by the political system are only four. If in the first round a candidate does not obtain 50 percent plus one of the votes, the two candidates with the highest percentage of votes go to the second round, where the winner is defined.

On the other hand, Manuel Ortiz highlighted that, according to analysts, these could be the first elections to be held without a rule of law, since «there is no legal guarantee of anything». And it is that, he said, specialists have highlighted that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and the Court of Justice are operating arbitrarily, which has caused a large number of journalists and human rights defenders to leave their territories and the country.

The fear that they or their families and loved ones will be targeted for persecution and attempts on their lives, has driven many reporters and journalists into exile, who have had to leave everything behind and remain silent.

«I have my contacts, we still do not have authorization to say that they are in exile, they do not want to say that, but there are many journalists outside the country, some are in the United States and cannot speak because there is persecution, not only against them, but against their families», he stressed.

Given this, Manuel Ortiz asked the international press to raise its voice against what is happening to colleagues in Guatemala, ensuring that the rights of freedom of expression are fulfilled.

«When we from outside, the international part, keep an eye on it and follow it up, in some way we also protect those who are here. That is why these collaborative coverages are necessary, they are very important», said.

During his recent visit to the town of San José del Golfo, Manuel met with the candidate for municipal president, Milton Carrera, a migrant who returned to his country with a different vision and seeking to make changes for his community. 

However, while the meeting was taking place, a man dressed completely in black and on a motorcycle approached the meeting to take pictures in an intimidating manner, an action that ended when Ortiz also took his camera to photograph him. The suspect left the scene.

Finally, Manuel Ortiz mentioned the importance of community journalism, which has the purpose of informing beyond protecting political interests, a difficult task, often having very limited resources to carry out its invaluable work.


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