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Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff: California's US Senate Candidates

Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff: California's US Senate Candidates
The Californian candidates Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff want to reach the United States Senate, so they have presented their perspectives, proposals and lines of work.

Senate candidates Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff They want to reach the United States Senate, so they have presented their perspectives, proposals and lines of work, as well as their concerns and priorities for the American community, touching on topics such as housing, communities of color, migration, education, health, economy, stays children, ecology and environment, topics that will determine the future of the country.

In a forum held by Ethnic Media Services, the candidates had the opportunity to present themselves and share their proposals and ideas, as well as their way of working and answer open questions. 

The veteran Democratic senator from California, Dianne Feinstein, died at the age of 90, leaving a space that is difficult to fill. Now the race to fill that seat in the US Senate is beginning, with 27 candidates competing for the position. 

In this forum, Barbara Lee from District 12, California, said that she grew up in El Paso, Texas, she comes from a migrant community, so she is no stranger to immigration issues, which, she said, are extremely important to her, as well as related problems. to the environment, as he saw up close the garbage problem that impacted communities of color.

He grew up with a stepmother who was Japanese, but who spoke Spanish and, with this, he understood more closely the diversity of the communities; They later went to live in California, where they thought they would have more opportunities, and that freedom and racism were minimal. 

"I wanted to be a cheerleader at school, but I didn't meet the selection requirements and had to seek help to change the process so that girls of color could participate."commented Barbara Lee.

He expressed that he really knows how to face the problems that California has because he has faced those same situations and challenges for a long time, and from his life experiences he knows the needs of the community.

"Do I support undocumented workers because they are a very important part of our economy, they deserve to be treated fairly and the processes should be fair and humane? support for everyone to have Medi-Cal“Lee added.

For his part, Adam Schiff, from the 30th District, commented on the border package that included financing for Ukraine, saying that he does not agree, since he considers that it is not worked from a border policy.

Likewise, he considers that a true package must include other communities and areas that truly promote the growth of the country.

“TWe must take a leadership role to protect our institutions, such as the press“Schiff added.

Adam Schiff came to California when he was a child looking for the American dream, his father was a merchant and had the opportunity to give them a place to live in a dignified manner, with the opportunity to study and progress, so he wants to give them a life like that all Californians. 

He has fought against pollutants, also in favor of voting rights and on bills to make health a civil right; engages in the issues of the African-American, Asian, and Latino communities. Another topic that interests him is the fight against armed violence.

"I protect the planet, democracy, I want to make sure that people can afford housing, pay for childcare; I care about representing everyone and I'm going to make sure I represent every Californian.?, Schiff stressed.

The contender for the Senate seat said that he will fight to bring resources to California to be distributed equitably and directed to communities of color; It also supports the LGBT+ community and seeks to uplift women, men and young people of color, "all communities."

On the occasion, Katie Porter, from the 47th District, commented that for her one of the main functions of Congress is supervision and this must involve asking for answers, "because politics is not only giving speeches, but asking for answers."

"I have never sold out, I am the only elected official in this political race who has never received money from the packs for corrupt decisions, and you can see the results in the work I do, in how I manage Congress, holding people accountable“he commented Porter.

The candidate seeks that the federal government invest in communities so that people can buy a house, and wants to fight against the damage caused by the distribution of political territories, while working on a plan to have decent housing and more opportunities.

Porter supports and admires the work of women in the Afro-descendant and Latina community because she knows their great work in advancing rights and spaces, which is why she supports them to continue opening spaces for diverse communities. 

The candidates agreed on the importance of voting and thus choosing who will represent the voices of California, so they called to register and exercise their right to vote.


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