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Mexico confirms the death of 6 agricultural workers in a vehicle accident in Idaho Falls, Idaho

Idaho Falls Vehicle Accident
Vehicle accident in Idaho Falls, where a car hit a truck in which agricultural workers were traveling on their way to their workplace and six people died, nine more were injured in the early hours of Saturday, May 18.

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The government of Mexico, through its Foreign Ministry, reported that six people died and nine more were injured in a vehicle accident in the early hours of Saturday, May 18, where a car hit a truck in which agricultural workers were traveling to their workplace. . 

From the unfortunate accident, seven people remain hospitalized, but stable, and two have been discharged, the department said. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico (SRE) in a statement.

According to information provided by the Mexican authorities, given the news, the Mexican Consulate in Boise contacted the authorities of the state of Idaho to determine the nationality and identity of the people. 

And it was not until this Tuesday that the Idaho State Police Office shared the information, where it was confirmed that all those affected are Mexican nationals, holders of H2A visas.

The Consulate contacted the company Sigmet Farms Services, responsible for hiring the workers, as well as lawyers, to provide the corresponding advice and support, he stressed.

In that sense, he pointed out that the state government authorities have been notified of what happened and will be coordinating any steps that may be required. 

"The consular representation will promptly follow up on the transfer of the deceased to their places of origin in Mexico, and on the investigation by the Idaho State Police and labor authorities," the Foreign Ministry stressed.

"The Government of Mexico reiterates that the protection of Mexican people abroad is a priority in its foreign policy, especially those who face vulnerable situations such as H2A agricultural workers in the United States of America," he added.

Likewise, he expressed that the legal and diplomatic tools will be analyzed to guarantee full respect and defense of their human and labor rights, seeking to reinforce the legal framework that regulates their living and working conditions, so that incidents of this nature are investigated. fully, and that the corresponding responsibilities and penalties are assigned.

?The Ministry of Foreign Affairs deeply regrets the death of the six compatriots and conveys its condolences to the affected families, providing them with the necessary consular assistance and protection. Will consular assistance and preventive protection actions be reinforced to safeguard the integrity of people who work in that country under this labor mobility scheme?, he concluded.

It should be noted that, just 4 days after this terrible accident, 8 agricultural workers also lost their lives in a vehicle accident in Marion County, Florida. 

The Foreign Ministry reported that on Wednesday, May 15, the Protection Department of the Mexican Consulate in Orlando established contact with the relatives of the eight victims to confirm the unfortunate news of the deaths. 

At that time, he said, they were informed that the consulate would provide them with all the necessary support for the repatriation of the remains of their relatives, the possible obtaining of a humanitarian permit to travel to the United States and, at the time, guidance on matters legal for possible compensation.


On May 16, the Department of Protection team visited the HCA Florida Ocala Hospital, where six compatriots who were still hospitalized due to their injuries were interviewed; It was confirmed that none are in critical condition, but one remains in intensive care. 

Likewise, the hotel in the city of Gainsville was visited again to interview people who had been discharged from the hospital.

Likewise, the Mexican authorities said that contact had been established with the insurance adjuster of the company where the workers worked, Prescint National, who confirmed that they will be responsible for covering all funeral expenses for the transfer of the remains. of the deceased. 

The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) provided an update to the official list of people traveling on the bus, confirming that 43 men and two women were on board, giving a total of 45.

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Pamela Cruz
Pamela Cruz
Editor-in-Chief of Peninsula 360 Press. A communicologist by profession, but a journalist and writer by conviction, with more than 10 years of media experience. Specialized in medical and scientific journalism at Harvard and winner of the International Visitors Leadership Program scholarship from the U.S. government.


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