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Thursday, September 19, 2024

With pandemic, Trump calls for rallying to 'save America'

Cristian Carlos. Peninsula 360 Press [P360P].

"Anything that has led to this moment is legal and appropriate under the circumstances," opened Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's lawyer who is handling the case challenging the outcome of the Nov. 3 general election. Regarding the congregation Trump called to "save America," he assured that "the Democrats and their allies have not let us look at the ballots" and that "only criminals do not let us see the evidence."

Shielded in front of what appears to be bulletproof glass, Donald Trump, the outgoing U.S. president gave a speech whose first words were not heard because the microphone was muted. He began by pointing out that the media had not shown the hundreds of thousands of people gathered outside The White House to the Washington Monument. "The media has been our biggest problem."

"They stole the election from us, like never before." "We will not give up and we will not concede, we will not take it anymore," said Donald Trump and refused, again, to recognize his defeat, since 75 million votes do not represent a majority in the face of the 81 million votes obtained by Joe Biden. "It is a disgrace. Third world elections are more honest," he added. "I'm not going to let voices be silenced."

Trump then proceeded to thank the U.S. Army, the Secret Service and the police service. "Rudy, you did a good job," the president noted. "We will not let a president who lost the election by a lot govern us for four years."

"They used the pandemic as a way to defraud people of an appropriate choice," Trump said. "The Chinese virus," he referred to SARS-CoV-2, the new disease-causing coronavirus COVID-19, which has claimed the lives of 357,394 people.

Meanwhile, at a press conference, Gabriel Sterling, manager of the implementation of the voting system in the state of Georgia, where Donald Trump disputes the outcome of the elections, said: "Donald J. Trump irritates me" and added that he himself is "100 percent" responsible for the outcome of the elections in the state of Georgia being in favor of the Democrats for having "fed up" the electorate. He even said that his "last act" - the one in Washington this morning - has caused "major damage" to the result.

With 98 percent of the votes counted, the state of Georgia gives the lead to Jhon Ossoff - Georgia's U.S. Senate candidate - while Republican David Perdue remains in second place.

Media such as CNN have described the Save America congregation as "a desperate coup d'état", because, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump's call attracted the attention of more than 30 thousand people gathered in front of the White House where very few are respecting the physical distance and the use of masks, which could mean a massive contagion of SARS-CoV-2.

It should be noted that in the state of Washington alone, more than 264,000 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed, 2,385 in the last 24 hours.

And that's because, yesterday afternoon and after reactions to the scandal with the call to the Georgia secretary of stateTrump called for a rally in an attempt to reverse the outcome of the general election held on November 3, 2020. where his Democratic counterpart would be the winnerthe now president-elect, successor to the White House, Joe Biden.

Peninsula 360 Press
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