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Friday, July 26, 2024

"Netanyahu will be held accountable for feeding the Hamas group?": Témoris Grecko

"Netanyahu will be held accountable for feeding the Hamas group?": Témoris Grecko
There is a scandal in Israel over the government policy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and not precisely for suppressing the Hamas group, but for facilitating its creation and strengthening its economic growth in order to divide the Palestinians: Temoris Grecko.

Israelis demand that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resign at the end of the war, for not preventing the attack by the Hamas group and having responsibility for "feeding" to this organization, said the journalist and political analyst Temoris Grecko.

?Netanyahu falls with the responsibility of having conducted a policy that dealt Israel a great blow, a bloody, brutal and criminal blow of historic dimensions.?, said the also documentary filmmaker in an interview with Manuel Ortiz during the program Península 360 Radio, in collaboration with Marcos Gutiérrez from ?Hecho en California?.

Given the recent actions of the Israeli government, he said, it is very difficult for Netanyahu to maintain his authority as a political and military leader, having led Israel to the current disaster where thousands of Israelis have died in a single day, Grecko stated. 

Témoris Grecko commented that there is a scandal in Israel due to the government policy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and not precisely for suppressing the Hamas group, but for facilitating its creation and strengthening its economic growth in order to divide the Palestinians.

He also highlighted that the Israeli government does not work together, since it is evident that each one makes their own decisions. However, the debate in the Israeli media is that Benjamin Netanyahu has not put limits on Hamas and this will cost him dearly, as he will have to bear the responsibility of leading towards a policy that dealt Israel a historic blow.

The facts are regrettable, so many Israelis have never been murdered in a single day; There is a figure of between 1,500 and 1,600 dead Israelites, which has meant a great blow to Israel. 

On the other hand, the number of Palestinian deaths that occurred during the 2014 war was exceeded, at that time there were 2,200 Palestinian deaths over 51 days; Today there are 3 thousand in just 10 days.

The alerts and concern of society rose again this Tuesday, October 17, when more than 500 people died after an attack on the Baptist Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City. 

Hamas said that the airstrike was of Israeli origin and that it hit the hospital, however, Israel denied this and claimed that the explosion was caused by a missile from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group.

As time continues to pass, these attacks continue to claim more innocent lives as Israel has imposed a total blockade on the small Gaza Strip, so no fuel can arrive, they have no electricity, no food or water can enter, leaving Gaza with water reserves that are evidently about to run out? which means that 2 million 200 thousand people will not have the possibility of living? Témoris Grecko pointed out.

There is a small border that faces Egypt, however, this country will not allow the departure of Palestinians as there are too many people, this would generate a humanitarian crisis and raise problems with the population in that country.

Given this, in the United States, civil associations have called on the population to go out and demonstrate in different states. Thus, last Monday, October 16, the Jewish organization If Not Now called on American Jews and their allies to protest in front of the White House to call for an end to the violence.


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