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Mexicans in the US have time to participate in the next elections in Mexico

Mexicans in the US have time to participate in the next elections in Mexico
It is estimated that there are around 40 million Mexican men and women in the United States, of these, only around 50 thousand are registered to vote in the next elections in Mexico, which is very few, so the challenge will be to achieve more citizen participation .

In 2024 elections will be held in Mexico and the participation of Mexicans abroad will be key in this electoral process. However, very few have registered to vote, so the challenge will be for more Mexicans to be part of the next elections from the United States.

It is estimated that there are around 40 million Mexican men and women in the United States, of these, only around 50 thousand are registered to vote, which is very few, so the challenge will be to achieve more citizen participation, so said the political scientist. Diego Martínez García, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in interview with Manuel Ortiz during the Península 360 Radio program, in collaboration with Marcos Gutiérrez from ?Made in California?.

The expert highlighted that it is very important to give political visibility to Mexicans abroad, remembering that voting is a right for everyone, so he recalled that those who are missing can now register, and thus be part of this great electoral process in Mexico .

The most important thing to vote abroad is to have a voter ID card. If you already have it, it would be enough; but if you still do not have it, you can proceed to register and process it, it can be requested at any consulate and it is not necessary to schedule an appointment.

People interested in obtaining their voter card must present their birth certificate, which can be obtained on the website https://www.gob.mx/actas, an official photo ID and proof of address that is no older than 3 months from the date presented. The official Mexican document will arrive 4 to 5 weeks after completing the process and must be activated via the internet.

To continue registering to vote in the next elections, you must register at https://votoextranjero.mx/web/vmre/inicio and an application will be filled out, in this part you can choose how to vote, having 3 options: by postal vote through an envelope that is received and must be returned, electronic vote that will be received by email, and a new modality that is the in-person vote that will be carried out in 20 United States consulates.

What is at stake in the next elections will determine the direction Mexico will take; Many who are in the United States today have their family and friends in Mexico, that is why everything that affects one will affect others. Likewise, as nearby countries, the decisions of Mexicans in national territory will be important for what happens in the United States.

As part of the election process, you can vote for the positions of: president, 128 Senators, 7 state governors, and 4 migrant deputies, among other positions.

Diego Martínez García commented that there is more information about these processes and what happens with Mexicans in the United States on the website https://redmigrante.com/, a space for migrants and nationals that allows the community to be informed.

The objective for 2024 is to double the figure from the last elections. The vast majority cannot vote in the United States elections, but they can vote for the Mexican elections, where they can use their power to choose as citizens, commented Diego Martínez García.

?It is very important that they get involved in the process because in the end it was the land that saw them born.?.

Changes have been made for the next elections, leaving a more friendly system for Mexicans abroad, the registration process is now simpler and easier, without long procedures as it previously had.

?With the in-person modality, it is expected that the participation of Mexicans abroad will be greater, in such a way that, if achieved, for the next electoral processes more consulates and more spaces to exercise the vote in person may be required.?, he added Diego Martínez.

It is important to highlight that, to participate, the voter credential must be processed as soon as possible, because it takes time to arrive and this time must be considered before the processes begin in Mexico.

?It is a matter of civic culture, making visible, organizing and in this way creating counterweights in this democratic system where not only through voting, but also through the organization of citizens, rights are snatched and conquered, so it is important to use this tool what is the vote?, he concluded Diego Martínez.


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