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Redwood City
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Redwood City Police call to prioritize road safety during back-to-school month

Redwood City Police call to prioritize road safety during back-to-school month
The Redwood City Police Department called on all drivers to prioritize safety during the upcoming Back to School Month.

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As summer ends and students prepare to return to school, the Redwood City Police Department called on all drivers to prioritize safety during the upcoming Back to School Month by slowing down, obeying the speed limit and being extremely careful when driving through school zones.

“During Back to School Month, let's prioritize driving safety to protect our children,” said Police Chief Kristina Bell. 

“We urge all drivers to slow down, remain alert and take extra precautions when traveling through school zones. By doing so, we can create a safer environment for everyone and foster a community where safety is a shared responsibility,” he stressed. 

Given this upcoming return to school, the Redwood City Police Department asked to reduce speed and respect the speed limit near schools, as well as to comply with school policies and procedures for dropping off and picking up students.

In addition, in a school zone it was called to stop for school buses, and be alert for children rushing to catch the bus or get off and, whenever possible, avoid blocking the pedestrian crossing while waiting to turn right.

For parents with children who walk or bike to school, he called for teaching safe walking and biking behaviors, such as looking both ways before crossing the street, using sidewalks when permitted and available, and crossing at pedestrian crossings marked with stop signs or traffic lights.

Importantly, behind a school bus with a stop sign and flashing red lights, drivers must stop so students can safely board and exit the bus, while drivers must remain stopped while the red lights are on. . 

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Pamela Cruz
Pamela Cruz
Editor-in-Chief of Peninsula 360 Press. A communicologist by profession, but a journalist and writer by conviction, with more than 10 years of media experience. Specialized in medical and scientific journalism at Harvard and winner of the International Visitors Leadership Program scholarship from the U.S. government.


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