Constanza Mazzotti Pen 360 Press [P360P]
Mar Paula Mart ez started working as a professional freelance photographer for Photographers Without Borders in 2018.
Since then, under his lens, he has seen an endless number of landscapes pass by, from the mountains of Popocat etl and Iztacc uatl, as well as the depths of the Mexican and American seas and faces as far away as those seen in his portraits made in communities of Rica, Mongolia, Ukraine, Armenia, all of humanitarian origin. Several of his projects are carried out for humanitarian aid purposes.
However, at the beginning of 2020 and due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, Mar Paula had to stop all her projects in Central America. She thought she would be a quiet goose documenting maritime life in Baja California until May when she decided to go into ten Covid hospitals in the City of Mexico to document the pandemic that we all know about.
Originally, Mar Paula's goal was to portray the medical and cleaning staff who are on the front line against the virus in hospitals.