Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Elmer Martinez to Redwood City Planning Commission

Elmer Martinez Saballos was appointed to the Redwood City Planning Commission last night, September 21, 2020. 

Elmer Martinez is an activist in the Redwood City community. Treasurer of Peninsula Young Democrats @pydems; Political Director San Mateo County LatinX Democratic Club @SMCLatinxDems, as well as district representative for Senator Jerry Hill's office. 

The Planning Commission consists of seven members, appointed by the City Council for terms of four years each. Members serve on the commission without compensation and may not hold any other public office or position in the City while performing this community service.

One of the primary duties of the Planning Commission is to recommend to the City Council a comprehensive long-range master plan for the physical development of the City; the Commission also plays a role in the administration of the City's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance.

So the commission is charged with reviewing General Plan and General Plan amendments. Review plans for specific neighborhoods and areas. Scrutinize environmental impact reports and negative declarations, among many other tasks. The Commission meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 

It should be noted that Elmer Martinez is of Latin American descent. It is important for the LatinX community to raise their hands and petition their city Boards, Committees and Commissions for more people in those positions to represent the vast majority of people in the area.

Peninsula 360 Press
Peninsula 360 Press
Study of cross-cultural digital communication


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