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International observers participate in Brazil's general elections

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. Photo: Manuel Ortiz P360P ? Global Exchange.

Zéresima and Integrity Test, two of the most important instruments for monitoring the electronic voting process, were accompanied this Sunday, October 2, by representatives of international observer missions that are in Brazil for the 2022 Elections. 

Even before voting began in Brasília, the group of international observers followed the casting of the "zero" at the voting tables of the Centro de Ensino Fundamental 03, in the Asa Sul neighborhood of Brasília. 

This was announced by the Superior Electoral Court of BrazilHe specified that between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. on voting day, all polling stations must print the document.

The zerésima is a report, a kind of extract, on paper, that every electronic ballot box necessarily emits when it is turned on and which shows that, in the memory of the ballot box, no vote has yet been recorded before voting begins, that is, that there are zero votes, hence the name: zerésima. 

After issuance, it is signed and placed next to the section door for transparency of the process.

At the school visited, the representatives were also able to accompany the first voters who cast their ballots and saw firsthand how the voting routine works.

During the visit, Lorenzo Córdova, President of Mexico's National Electoral Institute (INE), pointed out that when people talk about advances in the global electoral process, they always refer to the electronic ballot box and the electoral process in Brazil.

The observers also followed the Integrity Test, conducted by the Regional Court of the Federal District (TRE-DF), in 14 ballot boxes in the Legislative Chamber, drawn by lot this Saturday.

international observers
Photo: Superior Electoral Court of Brazil

The test simulates a normal vote. It works like this: the ballot boxes that would be used for the real vote are drawn by lot or nominated by the parties the day before, to be tested to check that the conditions of use are perfectly correct and then duly replaced.

On the date of the vote, the votes recorded in paper cells - a step that also takes place on the eve of the vote - are entered into a computer and these votes are compared with what is written in the ballot box.

The process concludes at 5:00 p.m., with the coincidence between the votes entered in the computer and the ballot box cast at the end, demonstrating that the electronic ballot box accurately reflects the votes entered in it. It is worth mentioning that the Integrity Test is accompanied by an auditing company.

Photo: Superior Electoral Court of Brazil

Tomorrow, Monday, October 3, at the Windsor Plaza Hotel, in Brasília, two press conferences of international observation missions will be held. The first, at 10:30 a.m., which will be held by the mission of the Network of Jurisdictional Bodies and Electoral Administration of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries - ROJAE-CPLP, and a second, at 3:00 p.m., which will be in charge of the Inter-American Union of Electoral Organizations - UNIORE, which will publish its preliminary report on the occasion.

This article was produced with the support of the organization Global Exchange in collaboration with Peninsula 360 Press.

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Pamela Cruz
Pamela Cruz
Editor-in-Chief of Peninsula 360 Press. A communicologist by profession, but a journalist and writer by conviction, with more than 10 years of media experience. Specialized in medical and scientific journalism at Harvard and winner of the International Visitors Leadership Program scholarship from the U.S. government.


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