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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Bay Area Latino community marches to SF with call to Kamala Harris on immigration issues

Bay Area Latino community marches to SF with call to Kamala Harris on immigration issues
Latino community marches: Immigrants need #CitizenshipNow! We have been forced to live in the shadows for too long despite having roots, jobs, and families here. Photo: Manuel Ortiz P360P

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Nearly 200 people, the vast majority undocumented immigrants, march from San Jose to San Francisco to raise their voices and call on the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States, Kamala Harris, to include a path to citizenship for millions of people seeking to live legally in the United States as a central part of its immigration agenda.

In a walk that began this Saturday, August 17, and will continue for two more days, these people are seeking to travel 48 miles so that the voice of this community resonates in the ears of congressmen, but above all in the ears of Kamala Harris.

The march is led by activist Renee Saucedo, who, along with the Northern California Coalition for Fair Immigration Reform, has called for people to join this peaceful march.

The march is led by activist Renee Saucedo who, along with the Northern California Coalition for Fair Immigration Reform, has called for people to join this peaceful march. Photo: Manuel Ortiz P360P

"We marched because it is the only way, unfortunately, for the message to be heard, and we want the entire community to hear it, but especially the congressmen and presidential candidate Kamala Harris; our message to her is that she must include a path to citizenship for the 8 million as a central part of her migration agenda," he said in an interview with Península 360 Press during the radio program Por La Libre.

Saucedo said that, above all, they are demanding the passage of a bill that is currently in force, HR1511, which updates a current law that would allow 8 million undocumented people to apply for residency, since they have been living in the country for at least 7 years.

In a walk that began this Saturday, August 17, and will continue for two more days, these people are seeking to travel 48 miles so that the voice of this community resonates in the ears of congressmen, but above all in the ears of Kamala Harris. Photo: Manuel Ortiz P360P

"That is why we are working, and because of the urgency of passing a law for citizenship through the registration process, because there are millions of people who do not have the human rights they deserve, the human right to be able to visit their families in their native countries, their children who many of them were forced to leave behind out of necessity to come here to this country to work and put food on the table," the activist stressed.

She said that many people are unable to see their elderly parents before they die or attend funerals, in addition to the exploitation that persists against the community of undocumented workers.

Many people are unable to see their elderly parents before they die or attend funerals, in addition to the exploitation that persists against the community of undocumented workers. Photo: Manuel Ortiz P360P

Xandri, from the Santa Rosa area, who is marching and is part of the security team for this walk, in addition to helping and providing guidance to the participants, told Peninsula 360 Press that he joined to promote the message of updating the Registration Law, which has existed for at least 40 years and has not yet had any movement to be a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants.

The Registration Act dates back to the Reagan administration in 1986, when it was signed and presented as an amnesty for immigrants who had arrived in the United States before 1972, allowing them to arrange their residency papers and eventually obtain citizenship, he explained.

In this regard, she noted that it is necessary for politicians, especially candidate Kamala Harris, to listen to these requests and address a debt owed to the migrant community for so many years.

“Participating in a 48-mile march over three days for a path to citizenship for all: very conscious.” Photo: Manuel Ortiz P360P

The walk to San Francisco, he said, will stop today in Menlo Park, at the San Francisquito Bridge, where San Mateo and Santa Clara counties divide, and will continue tomorrow, Sunday, August 18, crossing the entire county of San Mateo along Camino Real to South San Francisco.

So, this Sunday, people will leave at 7:00 a.m. sharp from Camino Real 15, in San Mateo County, outside the Best Western Hotel, however, they will begin to gather at 6:00 a.m. at that point, because all those who wish to accompany and support this cause are invited to meet the caravan at that location.

Nearly 200 people, the vast majority of them undocumented immigrants, marched from San José to San Francisco to raise their voices and call on the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States, Kamala Harris, to include a path to citizenship for millions of people seeking to live legally in the United States as a central part of her immigration agenda. Photo: Manuel Ortiz P360P

Likewise, Xandri explained that they are looking for transportation support so that on Monday they can arrive in San Francisco to help people return to their place of residence, so he called on those people who want to lend their vehicle and service to contact 408 426 0131 and 707 273 2974.

You can register to support the bill HR 1511 and receive updates on A Path to Citizenship for ALL! at this link: https://p2a.co/7vtm4lj

.You may be interested in: “We have not come to do harm”: Migrant workers respond to hate speech

Pamela Cruz
Pamela Cruz
Editor-in-Chief of Peninsula 360 Press. A communicologist by profession, but a journalist and writer by conviction, with more than 10 years of media experience. Specialized in medical and scientific journalism at Harvard and winner of the International Visitors Leadership Program scholarship from the U.S. government.


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