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Saturday, September 28, 2024

"Solitary", self-discovery as a first to know the novels of Alice Oseman

Alice Oseman's Solitaire
Solitaire by Alice Oseman, the graphic novel that is also part of and takes place in the same universe as the praised series of books ?Heartstopper? by the same author, and which revolves around the character of Charlie Spring.

This, like every Saturday, Camilasbooks makes us a recommendation of one of their favorite books, and although this novel comes out of their classic suggestions, ?Solitario? by the British writer, screenwriter and illustrator Alice Oseman, has become one of her most special publications.

The graphic novel, says Camilasbooks in its space in Peninsula 360 Press, is also part of and develops in the same universe as the praised series of books ?Heartstopper? by the same author, and which revolves around the character of Charlie Spring.

In the case of ?Solitary? or ?Solitaire? For its title in English, it tells us the story of ?Tori? or Victoria Spring, Charlie's older sister, a character who, in the opinion of Camilasbooks, is a "quite eccentric" teenager, since she is cynical, isolated from the world, and with a solitary and introverted life, aspects with which the reviewer herself is identified.

And, Tori, "she doesn't usually express or externalize much of what's going on in her mind, so getting to know her in this novel has been very special, especially when we meet a teenager who is quite isolated and is in a period of self-discovery." ?.

"For me it has been a very special book, it has been like a shelter, it has been like a hug, especially because there are in several aspects that I understand Tori very well and I have been able to see myself reflected in many of the attitudes that she has," he stressed.

In turn, Camilasbooks highlights that it is "nice" encountering a character who has this type of behavior, since it is not usually common in literature, especially because, sometimes, these characters or this type of behavior tend not to be liked or it does not help the development of the plots that perhaps readers could wait.

To this, he adds that the book becomes interesting by touching on the topic of development and self-discovery in a stage of life that everyone goes through.

?(It's nice) to see and accompany this character in this period of his life. Honestly, this book was a hug for me because I think that in some way it made me feel understood by someone in the world, especially because, sometimes, there are things and attitudes that one can have that do not fit with the rest. of people, does one feel very external and isolated or can oneself also be the author of one's own life?

The lightness and sensitivity to touch on these and other themes are one of the most outstanding aspects, which is why Camilasbooks recommends ?Solitarie? by Alice Oseman.

To learn more about this book and its other reviews, don't miss the Camilasbooks space on the Península 360 Press social networks.


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Pamela Cruz
Pamela Cruz
Editor-in-Chief of Peninsula 360 Press. A communicologist by profession, but a journalist and writer by conviction, with more than 10 years of media experience. Specialized in medical and scientific journalism at Harvard and winner of the International Visitors Leadership Program scholarship from the U.S. government.


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