By Kiley Russell. Bay City News.
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The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors fired another salvo in their ongoing battle against Sheriff Christina Corpus on Tuesday when they voted to move forward with a charter amendment that would allow them to remove her from office.
The board voted 4-0, with Supervisor David Canepa absent, to approve the second reading of an ordinance placing the amendment on the March 4 ballot so voters can decide whether supervisors should be allowed to expand their authority to fire Corpus.
“I want people to understand that our sheriff right now is serving a six-year term, we’re finishing up the second year; there are four months left before voters have the opportunity to vote for new leadership at the Sheriff’s Office without an intervention like a charter amendment election or a recall,” said Supervisor Noelia Corzo.
Corzo and Supervisor Ray Mueller sponsored the legislation that put the issue before voters after a prolonged period of recriminations by