This Tuesday, June 7, the primary elections were held, and there are already preliminary results showing who are the candidates who will go to the general elections to compete for various positions at the federal, state and local levels.
The San Mateo County has done its homework in electoral matters, however, voter participation left much to be desired, since, at least in a previous count, only 14.6 percent of all those eligible to exercise their right to vote participated.
According to the Office of Mark Church, San Mateo County Chief Elections Officer and County Clerk-Recorder, there were 433,539 registered voters, however, based on ballots received by mail and those returned to voting centers and drop boxes on or before Thursday, June 2, 63,362 votes were cast, of which 6,481 were cast at voting centers, and 56,881 were cast by mail.
Among the preliminary local results, provided by the county itself, the following stand out:
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