By Andrea Hernandez.
The video game industry has problems: sexual harassment and violence are constant within the largest development companies in the world. The law governs within them bro-culture ?men covering up men?, work meetings in strip clubs and the constant fear of reporting such acts.
In 2018, a group of former Riot Games employees began a lawsuit against the company in which they denounced the gender pay gap and the discrimination they suffered when having to prove that they are real. gamers to get the job, do their jobs with the promise of a promotion that never comes, live with men who rate them by their physical appearance and make jokes at their expense.
In addition, in January of this year, its CEO, Nicolo Laurent, was accused of sexual harassment towards his former assistant; in response, Riot Games stated that no evidence of what Laurent is accused of was found and that no action should be taken against him.
Companies like Rockstar and Ubisoft have also been singled out for similar behavior, which appears to be a pattern of behavior that responds to the belief that the world of video games is by and for men.
Following the statements made against Ubisoft, its CEO, Yves Guillemot, issued a video in which he apologized to the victims of harassment and also stated that the company will focus on increasing diversity and inclusion; with this, the appointment of Anika Grant as the company's new director of human resources was announced.
Placing a woman in an important position within the logistics of a company seems to be only the first step in the b