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Trump's immigration plan: system that puts residents and migrants at risk

Trump immigration plan
Trump's immigration plan would implement mass deportations, budget cuts for plans that support migrants, among other harsh policies against undocumented people, which worries analyst experts.

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Donald Trump He is a candidate in the United States presidential elections in 2024, which proposes an immigration plan that worries experts, since the Republican would implement mass deportations, cuts to the budgets of plans that support migrants, among other harsh policies against undocumented people. .

The former president served as president of the United States in 2017, and during his administration he had major changes in the immigration plan, as he separated families at the border, imposed a “Muslim ban” and canceled the  Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Hondurans, which is aimed at those people who cannot return to their country of origin due to a danger such as an armed conflict or natural disaster.

At the same time, it limited the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a policy that allows you to apply for a driver's license, social security number and work permit a ?dreamers?, and threw obstacles on legal immigration and the asylum system, actions mostly undone by Biden.

In 2025, a series of reforms are expected in all federal government agencies, which is why in February of this year the Niskanen Center published a report that talks about the 175 immigration changes that the government would make if Donald Trump won the presidential elections, reported Cecilia Esterline, research analyst on research from the same organization in an informative conference held by  Ethnic Media Services.

?(Donald Trump's) plan does not reflect what Americans want to see in a safe, controlled and effective immigration system?, he pointed.

Esterline gave as an example the issue of H-2A and H-2B visas, which allow American employers to bring foreigners to the United States to fill temporary agricultural and non-agricultural jobs. Each year the federal government publishes a list of eligible countries that can use these visas, based on risk metrics to maintain immigration security. 

?Project 2025 aims to use funding to bully states and localities into complying with the administration's policy priorities, such as student financial aid.?, added the also graduate in International Studies.

Likewise, he mentioned that only people who have Green Cards and US citizens can opt for student financial aid, however, the criteria for enrollment are determined by state, which has different needs. 

26 states plus Washington DC have chosen to allow recipients to qualify for Federal Student Aid; Meanwhile, 23 states have chosen to allow undocumented migrants to apply for federal support, but in an attempt to force them to change these types of policies, project 2025 orders the Department of Education to deny access to student loans including US citizens.

If carried out, 67 percent of university students could lose access to federal aid, which would represent a devastating blow to education, concluded Cecilia Esterline.

David J. Bier, director of Immigration Studies at the Cato Institute, explained that many of the proposals that Trump had in his mandate will return if he is elected president, so everyone could have a general overview of what would happen. .

Bier commented that a very clear example of what is going to change is the refugee plan, which was affected by 90 percent, and the budget is expected to reach only 100 thousand dollars.

To implement Trump's plan, several factors must also be considered. In 2019, around 20,000 people were detained daily, so deporting millions, under current conditions, would be a very complex job, commented the director of Immigration Studies at the Cato Institute.

?His plans to bring in the army, to have detention camps and all those things, are unconstitutional, that is, illegal. In the last Trump administration they tried to detain people at the border in totally illegal conditions?, added the also political advisor.

Bier expressed his concern about Trump's plan, since they do not have the resources or the spaces to detain as many people as they want to do; It is necessary to mobilize, care for and link all those who arrive to return them, and in that period they must be provided with a bed, food and health services, among others.

Zachary Mueller, research director at America's Voice Education Fund, explained that Trump's immigration agenda presents 3 main interrelated threats in the form of mass deportation, political violence and to American democracy.

Among the most worrying, he said, is that active campaigns are being considered to round up and detain 15 to 30 million people, led by National Guard troops; In addition, 80 percent of the people who have called the United States their home will be affected, since Trump has said that he will not only turn to see the newcomers, so everyone is in danger, leading to mass deportation. .


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