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Vote abroad was fraud favoring National Action: Alejandro Robles

vote abroad
Robles assured that he was a victim of fraud and for this reason he did not win the election, ensuring that in Congress voting abroad had been achieved with a passport, consular registration and with the voter ID card, in addition to the installation of polling stations in the communities. that there are many Mexicans. Photo: P360P

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"The vote abroad was fraud," said Alejandro Robles, former candidate for Congress in Mexico City, who lost in the last elections on June 2, which, he said, were favored towards the National Action Party ( BREAD). 

In an interview with Manuel Ortiz, during the program Península 360 Radio in collaboration with Marcos Gutiérrez from Hecho en CaliforniaRobles pointed out that the vote of Mexicans abroad was designed in the times of Lorenzo Córdova and Ciro Murayama, with the aim of benefiting the National Action Party, since currently, he said, there is an electronic vote that is not reliable and that the same National Electoral Institute (INE) detected irregularities in the last elections.

"One of the things that I can warn, without fear of being wrong, is that voting abroad was a system designed for electoral fraud.“, assured the also professor at the UNAM Law School.

On the last election day, the cities of Madrid and Paris, which were openly opposed to the Morena party, kept their polling stations open for up to 5 hours longer than the established hours, while in the United States, where the migrants' preference was with support for López Obrador, the polls closed although they still had ballots to use, said Robles.

"The system of voting abroad was related to favoring National Action and in the implementation, they let us know, when it was discovered that Mexicans had been included in the nominal list abroad without being Mexicans and the INE did not proceed to act when He knew that this was due to National Action“, he stressed.

To this, he added that ?the people were trained for more than 5 hours; Some arrived since the morning and were still not allowed to vote even though they still had ballots available. Is this alarming? 

"We have to anticipate that we will not have an election abroad based on electronic voting, under the same terms as there were now, so if we are going to use technology, we are not against this, it would have to be a process with assistance, because there is a digital divide“, he added.

The law professor explained that the United States has at least 40 million people of Mexican origin and 11 million people who "have their hearts in Mexico." They are still sending their remittances.

Alejandro Robles is happy with the arrival of the first woman who is going to govern Mexico, he assures that it is a unique event that Mexico is experiencing, where approximately 36 million people supported Claudia Sheinbaum's project and today they celebrate her triumph with her . 

"This was a result that confirms that the policies carried out by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the current president of Mexico, are what the people want, this is the political program that the people of Mexico came out to support.".

Robles commented that Claudia Sheinbaum came from a close competition between the former Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrad, in addition to other Morena supporters such as Adán Augusto López and Gerardo Fernández Noroña, so it was not something simple, although it is recognized that the mechanism of polls was what brought the virtual winner of the presidency of Mexico to where she is.

?When considering the selection process, to say that Claudia Sheunbaum was the product of a "finger“, Would it be underestimating the work she did as Head of Government, which is what Mexicans took into account in her profile? Robles pointed out. 


 You may be interested in: Mexicans' dissatisfaction with the "turtle" vote in a box installed at the Mexican Consulate in SF


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