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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Mexicans' dissatisfaction with the "turtle" vote in a box installed at the Mexican Consulate in SF


SAN FRANCISCO, CA..- After more than eight hours of waiting, failures in the electronic system and lack of information, hundreds of Mexicans who came this Sunday, June 2, to the Consulate General of Mexico in San Francisco, where the National Electoral Institute (INE) installed the Vote Receiving Module number 015, they expressed their dissatisfaction with the delay.

So far this electoral exercise, there have been attempts at violence and accusations of trying to discourage the participation of Mexican citizens this election day, from the INE. 

The shadow of the 2006 electoral fraud was present, so dozens of Mexicans were dissatisfied with the electoral authority's lack of forecast for massive voter participation. 

The citizen observer, Cristina Valdez, reported that “in six hours, since the polling station opened at 7:06 a.m. this Sunday, only less than 500 people have been able to vote, anticipating that the 1,750 ballots cannot be used. available electronics.

He explained that "according to the information provided to us by the INE staff, who installed box 015, there were 250 people who registered several months ago to vote, in addition to hundreds of people who are arriving, fellow nationals from several communities near San Francisco, in addition to the INE module that was installed in Sacramento, at the Consulate.”

Samuel, a resident of San Pablo, arrived at the Consulate General of Mexico at six in the morning, after more than eight hours of waiting in line, which covered several blocks around, he considered that “those from the INE are doing it again , a slow election day, they had to anticipate that many people would go out to vote.”

Elderly people, some in wheelchairs accompanied by family members, reported that bathrooms were not installed, while the use of the electronic ballot box generated a lot of discontent due to the confusion in being able to cast the vote. 

Alberto Araujo, accused the INE: "we know which side it is on, many of us who are here think that the necessary material resources were not allocated to make the election day more fluid, of the six electronic ballot boxes it turns out that only one is working One, there are people who almost slept here and have not been able to vote, the process is very slow.”

The voting was very slow, according to citizen observers, approximately 50 people per hour were able to cast their vote. 

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Eric Alcocer Chavez
Eric Alcocer Chavez
Reporter since 1997. Graduate in Law from the Inter-American University for Development (UNID). World citizen. Respondent. Irreverent. Admirer of knowledge and intelligence.


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