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Donald Trump attacks (again) immigrants and accuses them of bringing "very contagious diseases"

Donald Trump attacks immigrants
Donald Trump attacks immigrants, on this occasion, he did so in the middle of the search for votes in New York, during an interview with the New York radio station WABC, where he pointed out that those who cross the border from Mexico to the United States, They bring contagious diseases with them, in addition to calling them terrorists.

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It is nothing new for former President Donald Trump to attack immigrants. Throughout his political career he has made a series of statements that directly refer to those who enter the country in search of a better quality of life. However, on this occasion, he did so in the middle of the search for votes in New York.

The Republican magnate, who is seeking a second term at the head of the White House, spoke out this past Wednesday against the immigrant community during an interview with New York radio station WABC, where he noted that those who cross the border from Mexico to the United States , bring with them contagious diseases, in addition to calling them terrorists.

?They come as terrorists. "A lot of terrorists and people with very contagious diseases are arriving," he stressed.

?You know, suddenly you see that there is a race against tuberculosis. "Is there a trend toward things we haven't talked about for years in this country," Trump added.

To this, he added that these immigrants who enter the United States speak unknown languages. 

"We have no idea who they are or where they come from," Trump said. ?We have no idea. They speak languages we don't even know. We have people with languages we know nothing about. Is it crazy?

The attack on immigration is one of Trump's favorite points to attract his followers. In December 2023, he assured that "they are poisoning the blood of our country." Are they coming to our country from Africa, from Asia and from all over the world?

?It is something very sad for our country. It is poisoning the blood of our country. It is very bad and people come with illnesses. "People come with everything they can have," he added on that occasion, when he was holding a rally in New Hampshire.

Time and time again, the Republican has made xenophobic speeches against migrants, alleging that they have caused the worst invasion the United States has ever suffered.

Despite all this, Trump is a favorite in 5 of the 6 key states to win the November elections (Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania), according to surveys by The New York Times, a medium that also noted that the representative Democrat, Joseph Biden, has lost the support of young black and Hispanic people, a large part of his base of voters, due to discontent over the economy and the war in Gaza.

Yesterday afternoon, Trump appeared in Crotona Park, south of the Bronx in New York, where he sought the support of Latinos and the Afro-descendant community, assuring them security, prosperity and success in schools.

"The greatest negative impact is against our black population and against our Hispanic population who are losing their jobs, losing their homes, losing everything they can lose," Trump said.

At the meeting, in a district where more than half of the population is Hispanic and more than a quarter African American, Trump argued that ?millions? of immigrants are leaving their countries' prisons empty, entering the United States illegally and committing "migrant crimes."

Between cries of ?Send them back? (deport them) and ?Build the wall? (raise the wall), Trump promised ?the largest criminal deportation in history?, while suggesting that immigrants ?are creating an army from within? because "they usually have good physique, between 19-25 years old, almost all of them are men, and they are of fighting age."

With information from La Opinion.



This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library in partnership with the California Department of Social Services and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs as part of the Stop the Hate program To report a hate incident or hate crime and get support, go to AC vs Hate.


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Pamela Cruz
Pamela Cruz
Editor-in-Chief of Peninsula 360 Press. A communicologist by profession, but a journalist and writer by conviction, with more than 10 years of media experience. Specialized in medical and scientific journalism at Harvard and winner of the International Visitors Leadership Program scholarship from the U.S. government.


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