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Friday, July 26, 2024

The normalization of terror

By: Raúl Romero
On Friday, March 18, 2011, more than half a hundred hired killers from the criminal group Zetasterrorized the population of the municipality of Allende, in the northern state of Coahuila, Mexico. The events are unspeakable. It seems that words have not yet been invented to describe what happened there. Official data register 42 missing persons, however, independent investigations report that there could have been at least 300.

How to measure what happened in Allende? 

In this country called Mexico, where 43 students were disappeared in 2014 in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero; where 72 migrants were murdered in 2010 in San Fernando, Tamaulipas; 45 people were massacred in 1997 in Acteal, Chiapas; where more than 95 thousand people remain missing and where 10 women are murdered daily for the fact of being women, barbarism seems to have broken all borders to imagine the worst. The temptation to write the ?fact more The terrible? is diluted, not only because it would be absurd to look for scales to describe the terror, but also because the tragedies are so many and so brutal that it would be painfully complicated and unfair. 

Every death, every disappearance, every femicide, every transfeminicide hurts and cuts this society that we are.

But, although some of us refuse to normalize terror, although many continue to be outraged and call on us to raise our voices, there are also those who have turned it into a tourist attraction or use the tragedy to "mock" other people.

Just a few weeks ago, a Facebook page called for a Halloween tour of the municipality of Allende. In one of the publications in this same social network it was invited: "We will start at the #Textil, then the #Rastro, #Panteón and the Abandoned Houses where many people died in the Allende Massacre". Videos of the tour can still be seen today. 

Something similar happened with the right-wing congresswoman América Rangel, who in her media bashing against the head of government of Mexico City, created, as a meme, a missing person's file of the kind usually used by the authorities and families to report cases of disappearance. 

At what point did the tragedy of one people become attractive to others? What goes through the mind of a "representative of the State" who uses as a meme what for many families is a key tool in the search for their missing relatives? 

We must not cease to be indignant and raise our voices in the face of tragedy and pain. If terror and barbarism become the norm, we will have lost everything.

Normalization of terror
By Raúl Romero. Peninsula 360 Press

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